Lara Come

4 years ago

March 2018

March 2018
I saw the Boer triennial. Chilling.

There are no more exhibitions, but trade fairs.
The two main exhibitions were one on a fashion name, with the usual anorexic forms, and a youth entrepreneurship fair in architecture, totally colonized by the sponsor.

The small exhibition on bikes, a show of products without technical study. Nothing on the transport function, on urbanism, on physical activity for ordinary mortals. The exhibition of photos of major events presents, among others, the end of mandate ceremony of b16.
Another table shows a speech by Berlinguer, but inexplicably only the places appear here, and not the people.

Ciliegina, an exhibition on the works of San patrignano (I didn't have a stomach).

there was nothing that was not a hustler. whether it was academic, commercial or political. I feel depleted of a space where I had found many valid cultural proposals. and I also paid to enter.

Milan to drink, in the form of a comedy.


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