Bryon Howe

3 years ago

My wife, knowing what a big fan of Victory I was a...

My wife, knowing what a big fan of Victory I was and what big fans of Santa Claus our three kids were, booked a reservation for the Breakfast with Santa event at the Downingtown location. The kids were excited to meet the big guy and I was excited to finally get a chance to make it down to this brewery that I have loved so much of.

It took us about an hour to get there but we figured it would be worth it. We made it there about ten minutes before our scheduled reservation time and were told that another family was already at our table. We knew we were early so we waited. After about fifteen minutes the kids, after being stuck in the car for a while and hungry, were starting to lose it. My wife enquired about the status and, again, were told another family was already at our reserved table. When my wife asked what would happen if the other family was there for another hour the hostess advised that they would revisit the issue then.....after an hour. In general, there seemed to be a lack of concern on the staffs part and no effort was made to move our family to another table. To Victory, we were beholden to that one table come heck or high water.

Twenty five minutes after our scheduled reservation (some 35 minutes after our arrival) time myself, my wife and kids had had enough and left. Victory called us about ten minutes later (over half an hour after our scheduled reservation time) to tell us our table was finally ready. By that point the kids were finally happily eating at a nearby McDonalds.

All in all, an extremely disappointing experience made all the more frustrating by the lack of concern or communication from the staff. At the risk of sounding dramatic the whole morning has soured me on the Victory brand in general and I'll be passing on picking up my usual six pack of Dirt Wolf next time.

Update 12/22/18: Reached out to the GM as requested below and, almost two weeks later, still have not received a response. Again, not angry and not looking for a handout, just super disappointed in this brewery that I used to love so much. Adjusted score to one star.


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