
3 years ago


Although the property is nice, the service is not up to the caliber of a five star hotel. On check in we noticed the sofa was quite stained. It was cleaned.
Our car was either lost or not called up at all twice. We were told they were confused between two cars, but we called them by their ticket number and neither car showed up when called! (not the wrong one).
My wife asked for the hotel car and was gruffly told it was only for guests. This was after our second night stay and she told them we are guests and why not ask for a room number rather than admonish her that it is only for guests. They also only take you one way and don t return to the hotel-I have never heard of such a thing in a 5 star!
We are also repeatedly asked if we are checking in or staying at the hotel when returning our car. The hotel ticket is in the car window! Once we were even asked if we paid for parking!
We looked over our bill our second last day and found breakfast charges. Our Amex reservation clearly states daily breakfast for two people per room, but the girl on the desk argued that it was only 3 breakfasts and not four. I argued we are four people but she said it was only for adults. I asked if our 16 year old (who eats adult breakfasts) was 18 then by your logic it would be allowed but since she is not an adult it wasn t? I asked for a manager who after a too much back and forth corrected the bill. The next day, on checkout, we were charged again for one breakfast! This time the girl on the counter AND the manager on duty argued with me that the entry made by the desk person shows only 3 adult breakfasts. I told them it was wrong and was corrected the previous day but they still argued about it. Finally, they got the manager I spoke with and corrected it AGAIN. I asked why it wasn t properly noted on our file from the previous day and got no response.
We endured nothing but aggravation and terrible service. They just don t have their act together and after relaying my story to some friends, one said the chain is not what it used to be from their personal opinion.
These types of things don t happen at the other five star chains we frequent. A lot more training and fine tuning is required in my opinion.


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