April Lundberg

4 years ago

My husband was in the ER for what turned out to be...

My husband was in the ER for what turned out to be a kidney stone (and not even a week later my dad was in their ER before being transferred to St. Joe's) and his visit was ok. For the most part the staff was nice and helpful and kept us informed during the visit. The actual doctor, while nice, was only in the room long enough to say the scan showed it was definitely a kidney stone and then he left. We do understand that my husband was probably his lowest priority so we don't hold it against him too much but it was kind of weird. His nurses were pretty alright. We did have to use the call button once when his IV started going the wrong way (blood was going up the tube towards the bag) and it took forever for the nurse to come in. I noticed a lot of call buttons/alarms would be going off for long amounts of time, so it wasn't just us it happened to. Also, I don't know if it was just a drill but when we got there I heard "code blue room 26. Code blue room 26" and not a single nurse moved or stopped what they were doing at their desks (some of them were just talking) and the doctor happened to stand by me and said to the nurses something along the lines of "I don't see any movement!" but with a smile on his face almost like he was teasing... so, I'm not really sure how to feel about that. (And yes, there was a patient in room 26)...
All in all, this isn't the worst place but it's also not really the best (we saw 4 different hospitals in a span of 2 weeks due to other family members having emergencies... It was a crazy time.)
Now, I hear their billing is a whole different ball game and not so fun to deal with but my husband has VA so hopefully we won't have to fight it much lol!


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