Rex O'Connor

4 years ago



1. Most of the staff there have absolutely NO mental health experience or education.

2. There is an overall "macho culture" vibe amongst the staff there. Even the staff that go into the job with a more therapeutically-oriented approach will INEVITABLY be bullied/pressured by the more neanderthal-like staff into becoming just another aggressive, uncaring jerk.

3. The management personnel of the units are ineffective at their jobs, at best, or completely incompetent, at worst. Also, many of these individuals do not have mental health-oriented college degrees, as well.

4. The children are treated TERRIBLY there. This facility makes an OBSCENE amount of money per kid they accept, and it is obvious that this facility uses AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE of that money to provide quality services for the children. The food at the "cafeteria" (which the kids eat at 3 times a day) is so bad that I LITERALLY would feel strange giving it to a stray dog. Food poisoning is a common occurence on the units.

5. The direct-care staff are paid just BARELY above minimum wage. It's simple: NO FINANCIAL INCENTIVE = PEOPLE NOT CARING ABOUT THEIR JOBS. These are the people that will be caring for your children. Think about that.

6. The children there are INTENSE. If your kid is the type that is easily influenced by others, DO. NOT. SEND. THEM. HERE. Your sweet child that initially was just having some adjustment issues will leave SMTC as the heir apparent to Ted Bundy..... and will probably have some PTSD issues to work through as well.


1. The teachers at the on-campus school seem experienced and caring.

2. Your child will have access to nurses, doctors, counselors, and other medical professionals.


I worked at SMTC for 4 years. Once I finished school, I decided to work for a company that was a little less greedy, a little more caring, and a lot more compatible with my personal outlook on mental health. Hope this helps. Please don't make a mistake for your child that you will regret.


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