Chace Riggin

3 years ago

I just want people to know my experience.

I just want people to know my experience.
I was 15 when I first got sent there as a result of my bad behaviour. Im 25 now. But the psychological damage is permanent. I'd like to think that there were some good things. But I cant think of one. The staff were abusive, overly abusive if that makes any sense. Big black guy named Jones would always slap us and throw us around. Then there was Natal, short little Hispanic guy who would twist our arms behind our backs in the most painful ways. The gym teacher/staff was alnost as bad, He would slap us on the back of the head. I remember telling the therapist who was assigned to my unit about the abuse. Her name was Mrs Bratzee. My spelling might be off. But she never belived a thing I said. Every time I think of my experience there, I get scared, mad and utterly livid. I recieved no justice. The fresh college students who got hired there quickly figured out that it was either abuse, or no job. Now the few staff who were nice are as fallows, Ms Walldrop, Ms Cantu, Esparza, Ms Davids. Please do not send your children here. They will suffer as as I did. Maybe worse.


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