Latoya Hearne

3 years ago

I thank god for sending me Mr. Nwosu him and his t...

I thank god for sending me Mr. Nwosu him and his team gave me and my kids back our freedom Me and my children for were tortured, harrassed, defamed, and had false accusations filed against us by a neighbor who I believed to be mentally unstable Law enforcement, judge, prosecutor, nor the state believed me it seemed unbelievable to them that a neighbor who seemed to them was in her right mind would just make false accusations on some one just because there children played on public property well thats what me and my children went through for almost 3 years at the start of moving into my brand new home in what I thought was a peaceful neighborhood was were me and my children were saddened I couldnt even get a restraining order on the neighbor I had know choice but to seek a attorney when I tell you from the day I meet Mr. Nwosu he was straight forward and straight to the point with me but it was all for the good in preparing me for my trail Mr. Nwosu did his job and that was to find justice for me and my children and justice was served it was a celebration in that court room almost 3 years of me and my kids walking on pin and needles just to be outside and enjoy our home we are finally free when the judge said the verdict jurors were crying, even jurors that wasnt even on my trail cried clapping smiling, people that were in the court room waiting on there own trails were crying and smiling at the same time I was crying praising god thanking god for freedom and for sending me to Mr. Nwosu it was tears of joy now I just cant thank Mr. Nwosu even when my case was dismissed and they doubled trailed my case yes the state was out to get me for some I was falsely accused of and I didnt do but Mr. Nwosu still had my back that 2nd time around he didnt ask me know questions Mr. Nwosu Thank you for protecting me and my children giving us justice, and freedom. God bless you and your team.


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