Money Cash

3 years ago

I was at the Chattanooga airport because I left so...

I was at the Chattanooga airport because I left something valuable in a rental car. I wasn't in there for no more than 2 minutes. I was about to crank up and pull off. The cop came to.my car and stated rudely and screaming please move you car and two things; you was on the walkway and you need to move your car. I said yes sir. He said move it now. I was trying to explain after he finished that I apologized and was going to move it. He proceeded to go to the car in front of me to tell them the same thing apparently. I understood. I was texting my sister to let her know I got the valuable object and was leaving. He came back and said put the phone down and move the car. I said yes sir. As I was waiting to see if the car in front of me which had his lights on was going to back up or go and if I needed to wait. He tapped on my car hard on the trunk. Both very inappropriate and said you need to move this car now when you see this badge no correction, he said you see this badge when an officer says move or to do something you don't hestitate, ask questions or do anything else. I just simply said yes sir again out of respect although he didn't respect me nor was he professional. An officer that wears a badge should be respectable and calm in all situations especially with a citizen that is being respectful towards you. I understand I wasn't parked appropriately;I am not at least upset about correction, but I will not be disrespected by any cop that wears a badge in any city, town, or province when I haven't disrespected an officer or displayed suspicious behavior. So I say to this officer and the entire department Give repect and you will earn it. As an educator, I was put out by his blatent rudeness and didn't appreciate his lack of patience as I feared if I wasn't in public, what would have happened. Citizens be warned and always obey the law, but officers be warned to be patient, respectable and listen to law abiding citizens without abusing the power of the badge and your oath to protect and serve not pest and sideline rude behavior and comments while wearing the badge towards ctizens. If I did that as an educator. My students will not respect me nor parents.

Gal. 6:7KJV


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