I. M.

4 years ago

A hospital that operates as a business should not ...

A hospital that operates as a business should not treat patients. I went to this hospital as a foreigner taking private service to perform x-rays. The day before the appointment, the department calls me to confirm appointment and cost of the exam. After two hours of delay with respect to the agreed time and without having been informed, at the time of payment, the invoice is raised, justifying modifications in the examination procedure (understandable if the procedure requires it). However, it is a fault that they DO NOT inform the patient about their procedures susceptible to changes, since they represent a cost above 400 euros.

As a requirement and declaration of my rights, within the health system required in some countries of the European Union, always require the patient to complete a form in which the hospital or doctor writes date, type of examination, value and seal of the establishment. Four pieces of information that take a minute to write. Order that has bothered the person in charge, justifying: (I do not have to fill in that ..) while I tried to explain that it is an obligation that I am required because I can not complete it and that otherwise it would be considered as FALSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS
Reluctantly I got two stamps after an unpleasant and disrespectful treatment on the part of the person in charge, giving me the exams and throwing them on the table.

At the Santa Elena Clinic: it is regrettable to leave your institution with the feeling that you are doing the patient a favor, WHEN HERE A PRIVATE SERVICE is hired and they allow themselves to treat people as a business and not for Human value.

I recommend to all foreigners and nationals, to look for better trained centers.


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