Joe Fontaine

3 years ago

Came in for an ankle injury, waited nearly 3 hours...

Came in for an ankle injury, waited nearly 3 hours to be seen with only 4-5 people in waiting room at a time, got surpassed by those who appeared to have occupational injuries that came in after me. once in the room nurse seemed to be training someone, but never introduced or identified themself or the trainee. Barely addressed me directly unless they were reasking a question from one the forms I had just completed that they appeared to be reinputting into their computer system. mostly only spoke about me to trainee while I way in the room.

Only decent care was xray tech, whom was pleasant and helpful. Doctor misdiagnosed me with a broken ankle (this was confirmed as a sprain by the surgeon he recommended me to) called it a "greenstick fracture" (normally a term used for wrist injuries) and told me to take ibuprophen (which you should not do if you have a broken bone as it slows healing).

Tried to fit me for a half boot 4 sizes too large to stabilize injury, I ask for a smaller one and he tries to figure out how it works while fitting me for it, telling me I'm good to go while there are still straps on the table behind him he forgot that I ask for. Half boot fit horribly and did not stabilize the injury causing more pain, but he was out the door before I had even put weight on it (I took it off and left it there in favor of the crutches i had brought with me). Dr. Returned with a CD rom (not kidding) of my xrays, and a hand written name of the surgeon I was going to see.

Is this what malpractice looks like? Never ever going back here.


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