
bogus bo

3 years ago

This institute makes its profit off helping people...

This institute makes its profit off helping people switch their immigration status from tourist to student. Very few people that come here are actually interested in learning the language the vast majority are using it as loop hole to extend their stay in the United States. Management is well aware of this but dont expect them to admit it. Only the teachers in the waayyy over priced 'premium' program are native speakers. Few staff members are also proficient in the language, many them are have terrible english and were once student of the institute. I believe that speaks for its self. In my opinion it is way over priced you'd be better off going to some community college than this institute. Everyone seems so kind and friendly but thats only because the sales people get paid comission. The academic advisors are a joke. The institute in general is a joke, its basically a scam where your tricked into over paying for mediocre lessons. Pero si estas buscando una menera de extender tu estadia en el pais entonces este es lugar adecuado para ti. ( Look at the response written to this comment, now you tell me if that's proper English..... shouldn't people in charge of language institute be able to speak the language they're teaching?)


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