Tyler Vogt

3 years ago

I was in the process of buying a 06 Ml500 and was ...

I was in the process of buying a 06 Ml500 and was in talks with the dealer for about 2 weeks told him how interested I was and I felt like they never shared the excitement and treated me like i was just cashing out at wegmans not making a big purchase like a car! when i first talked to them they told me a number for the car with my credit and then asked me to sign forms and although they discussed the possibility that others were pursuing the car but he didn't make it seem pressing or a matter of beating the clock and so I continued to trust they would be keeping me updated on everything that would be going on and instead I have to go online to show someone the car I'm IN TALKS TO BUY only to see a sold tag on it. I'm upset to say the least and when I asked for an explanation I was told the bank wanted me in a "newer" car.... NEVER have I heard of this and as much as anyone would like to tell me otherwise I will tell you that because I'm only 21 I wasn't taken seriously. I'm sure almost no effort or close to none was made on the dealers end to get this deal done. Quite frankly that is absurd and blatant discrimination and I was hoping going to a nicer car dealership and dealing with cars like Mercedes Benz would mean I could get some professional respect but instead I received some of the most misleading service I've EVER experienced. to be told I would have an answer on whether or not I would get the car on thursday and then nothing and they sold it on saturday to someone else. Do yourself a favor. Find a dealership that realizes they are here to work for YOU!


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