3 years ago

Stayed at the Grand Wailea & the employee at the p...

Stayed at the Grand Wailea & the employee at the pool gave us the hardest time just because they got our names mixed up. It was their fault to begin with because when we were checking in at the pool for our wrist bands, we were clearly saying our names correctly to the employees. The others in my room checked in correctly with their names the day before. The next day, we checked in again, correctly saying our names, and they checked in the wrong names between me and my cousin even wen my and my cousin was checking in at the same time. They just mixed us up. The lady gave a wristband to my cousin under my name. And wen i checked in, they ddnt want to give me a wrist band. Again, WE CLEARLY SAID OUR NAMES RIGHT TO THE EMPLOYEE BUT IT WAS THEIR FAULT FOR MIXING US UP! So the lady ended up not giving me a wristband! And gave me the hardest time! I dont think we should have been treated that way! When clearly the confusion wasnt even our fault. It was their fault. Im so upset with this experience. Some employees just dont know how to handle situations and admit their fault. I was more upset how she handled it when i said thats not our fault that they confused my cousin & i s name. Again, if my cousin and i were both checking in at the same time, and they confused our names, why wouldnt they just give my wristband... the employee who DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO HELP US was ANG. HER NAME IS ANG. She did not treat us with any hospitality. She was rude and didnt even say shes sorry for the confusion. It wasnt our fault and she should have apologized for the confusion on their end. Also, we wer asking for towels for those that was checked in with the wristbands, and she was just more concerned with kicking me out of the pool deck saying that I CANT BE ON THE POOL DECK BC SHE CANT GIVE ME A WRIST BAND. WHOEVER PUTS NAMES UNDER THE ROOM SHOULD MAKE SURE NAMES ARE SPELT CORRECTLY AND THE EMPLOYEES AT THE POOL COULD HAVE AT LEAST HANDLED THE SITUATION DIFFERENTLY AND CLEARED IT WITH FRONT DESK INSTEAD OF TRYING TO KICK ME OUT OF THE POOL DECK AND MAKING ME WALK BACK ALL THE WAY TO MY ROOM TO GRAB SOME KIND OF IDENTIFICATION! RUDE EMPLOYEES NOWADAYS IN THE POOL AREA! I UNDERSTAND HOW STRICT THEY ARE WITH THE POOL BUT TO BE TREATED THAT WAY AND NOT OFFERING THEM TO CORRECT IT ON THEIR END IS UNBELIEVABLE! ANG was not helpful at all!!!!


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