Ian Kirkpatrick

3 years ago

Tenant for 2 years

Tenant for 2 years

While these apartments are located close to campus there are a number of issues that prevent me from recommending them instead of other cheaper options along grand river that are just as close to campus.
The reasons I do not recommend these apartments are:

Unorganized leasing - Numerous people including myself have opted to stay in the same apartment or selected a location to live within 1855 only to get relocated by RHS (Resident Housing Services) without their consent. You will still pay the same price, and be flexible for the housing service but you will have to account for mistakes they have made when assigning tenants to apartments.

No parking for friends or guests - There is no parking for your family or friends that or even yourself for that matter if you fail to secure a parking pass. I've gotten tickets for parking my car with the yield lights left on to simply carry in groceries.

Incredibly thin walls - If you'd like privacy from your roommates so that they can't hear you in your bedroom or even in the bathroom this is not the apartment for you.

Hazardous Fire alarms - While the intentions are good with this and also (I imagine aimed at discouraging smoking inside of the apartments) the fire alarms are so sensitive that they sometimes go off multiple times a day leading many tenants to become desensitized simply ignoring them which is ultimately much less safe. If you burn some food in the oven - expect the fire department.

Construction dust never cleaned properly - This may sound minuscule but both apartments I've been in in separate buildings have a thin coat of dust that forms within 12hrs on every surface. It's something that you start to notice after living here for a while and I imagine it isn't healthy to breath.

With all of this in mind there are benefits of living here which include not having everything included in your rent - internet/ TV service, electricity, water, garbage/ recycling and a fitness center which is kept very clean and the proximity to classes especially in south neighborhood which can lead to attending more classes since it's easier to get there.

I'm sharing the things that I noticed after two years living hear that I would've liked to know - I've (unfortunately slowly) learned I would've been better off looking harder to find somewhere else.


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