Missi Pyro

4 years ago

The only thing I can consider good about this plac...

The only thing I can consider good about this place is that I lived in the next town over.. And SOME of the other "patients" (I hate that word) were cool and became my friends afterwards.
I went there from 21 2013 - Sept 16 2014. (16-17) From right off the bat it was horrible,
1) one of the other girls found my stuffed animal and tore it open (the staff thought it was hers, knowing they didn't see it til I got there) I had it since I was 3 and it reminded me of my family.
2) they five you food determined on your weight. That's not even part of the 'treatment plan' they just give you more if you're a twig (D for doubles) 'portioned sized' if your a good weight (R for regular) or barely any food if your over weight/obese/ or not 'average' or 'normal' weight (LF for low fat) they would right these letters on your food trays/IDs/anywhere they could. A lot of girls started out on regular but moved to low fat because the food there made them fat. I only ate salad (the only good thing) and when I passed out the staff/nurse said it was because I was over weight and eating too much.
3) they say they don't discriminate but they ask you your sexuality so you don't get 'frisky' with anyone else. Like seriously? I'm here to do what I need to, not for hookups. Also like I said before they're body shaming for giving us specific 'diet' for our 'health'.
4) the staff are always on their phones an not paying attention. I got books thrown at me during school by 2 girls, attacked from a girl for trying to tell a staff that books were thrown. The staff didn't do anything til I was on the ground. They moved me into different rooms with crazy roommates, who steal my stuff, shred up my clothes (and was surprised that I knew exactly what was missing) change in front of me (we were not allowed to change in front of others for 'safety' and 'sexual assault' reasons) and didn't tell me to get out so I was my fault that I was in there. I told the staff but they didn't do anything. Also the staff would stand in the unit and wait til our breakfast/lunch/dinner was almost over then take us to the cafe to eat.. So the girls had to finish all the food in 5-10ish minutes.
Funny thing is the unit manager said in court (it was court order for me to be there so I could only get out if the judge let me) that he put certain roommates in with me to see how I'd react?! I ignored my roommates and just read and wrote all the time.
I was kinda good, did what I needed to do, so I could leave quicker (if I acted up I'd be sent to juvy or stay longer at smtc) so I stayed calm, some staff forgot I was there cause of how quiet I was (I had an ankle monitor on, thanks to my po, and had to charge it every night, in the hallway. Not their fault) some girls hated me because I was doing what I was suppose to do and not being dramatic or attention seeking or threatening. If I got mad or upset they'd laugh and not take me seriously. They thought I was the staffs favorite, just because I wasn't bad like they were and I could be in the hallway at night (again to charge my monitor)
5) they gave me meds for depression (I was happy and positive most times, what depression? And another one (can't remember name) for bipolor ness or as they diagnosed me with 'schizo effective' which is extreme moody ness, bipolor and depression. And it made me tired. All. The. Time. And guess who got written up or yelled at for falling asleep? Go ahead guess? Me! They knew it made me tired too, but didn't care. (I'm now on a no drowsy medicine, because I went to my actual Dr instead of the treatment center Dr.)
The schooling was good, learned a lot, kinda. I was suppose to be in 11th grade, but because my unit was from 13-18 yr olds they taught us 7th-9th grade stuff (all A's for me! Sorry I'm bragging) I learned how to make a resume, which is the only good thing I need for real life.
Save. Your. Kids. Don't. Come. Here


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