Daniel Fieldstone
Review of ASU Gammage

4 years ago


I really think my curiosity will get me killed one day. My friends were inside the auditorium watching some sort of orchestra play. I got up to go to the bathroom. When I was in the bathroom I noticed a door that said "Custodial Closet" that was open a crack. Rather then closing it I decided to just peep inside. I saw a stair case leading down. I thought to myself that this is very odd because this was supposed to be a closet. I felt an impulse take me over and I started climbing down the stair well. After scaling down what seemed to be a dozen or so floors I started to really get curious. I just assumed this was some sort of fire escape. Finally after what seemed like two or so dozen floors I reached a door. I pushed the door open and to my amazement there was a massive room. The ceiling seemed to be several stories high and in the center of the gigantic space was a very large pool. I looked to the right and left and affirmed that I was the only one in here. If I got caught I would just say that I got lost. I had to see what the heck this pool was. I was pretty sure this was some sort of water treatment plant that I stumbled in on. As I walked on the hard damp cement floor towards a railing that surrounded the perimeter of the pool I came across a sign that read "Liopleurodon" I had no idea what it meant. As I leaned over to see what was in the pool I saw the murky water bellow stir a bit. All of the sudden the water splashed and this giant beast leaped out of the water. It was HIDEOUS. All I saw was a gigantic mouth full of hundreds of pointy, sharp teeth. When it splashed back into the water a fishy smell filled the air. My blood ran cold and I was in shock and frozen. When I got hold of my mind I bolted back towards the stair case and climbed back up as fast as I could. My heart was throbbing in my ears. My body was numb and surging with energy. I leaped up the stairs grasping the railing to brace my jumps. I finally emerged from the door into the bathroom. My mind was still racing and my heart pounding when I slammed the "custodial closet" door. All I could think of was Gosh did I get a good workout. I probably burned so many calories climbing up that stair case. This could be how I get fit.


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