Aniko Wagner

3 years ago

I went in to the ER on two seperate occassions, 2 ...

I went in to the ER on two seperate occassions, 2 days apart from each other in April 2021. I was (and still am) having severe abdominal pain, bloating & tenderness that was not eased with any OTC meds (pepto, gas-x, etc) When I arrived to my bed I was given 2 OTC strength meds that were similar in nature to the ones I had already tried and told them had not worked. after taking these, I writhed in pain in my bed for about 45 minutes before the dr. came to check on me again, I told her the meds hadn't eased my symptoms - she said "Yea, I didn't really expect it to do much :( "

They did bloodwork which came out looking good, gave me a painkiller and sent me home with a prescription for painkillers telling me it was probably a "stomach bug"

2 days later I was unable to withstand the pain so I returned, positive that I was misdiagnosed. I couldn't stand upright and was in tears from the pain. Right away I was told I would have imaging done, I got undressed and into a gown and again was given OTC type meds, writhing in pain until they gave me a painkiller injection. I had Bloodwork, urinalysis & blood glucose tests done. All came back looking good so they NEVER GAVE ME THE IMAGING they promised when I first came in !! The dr. proceeded to tell me she reviewed my utrasound from my last visit (Which never occured) and paired with my lab results everything seemed to be fine so once I again I was sent home. I'm almost certain that the problem lies in my gallbladder or pancreas, according to my symptoms, the duration and the intensity of pain.

I'm currently at home, weighing my options as I now have 2 ER bills to foot (I'm currently uninsured) with no resolution to my pain. I will probably end up visiting a different hospital today as the pain is so intense I can't sit / lay / stand comfortably... I'm very disheartened and feel somewhat helpless, I feel like they didn't listen to me or take me seriously. Its been over a week of living like this now. I feel I was rushed out of the ER without any regard to what I was having to face once I got home. All I want is relief from this unbearable pain & I'm furious that they allowed me to leave that hospital TWICE knowing they did not use every tool available to them to find out what the cause of my excruciating pain is.

I think it's important to mention the systemic nature of healthcare discrimination as it applies to women of color, as a Black woman I feel that my symptoms, my pain and complaints were not taken as seriously as it should've been - my first night I overheard both patients on either side of me get wheeled out for imaging for their respective pain - I'm still at a loss as to why I never got imaging done during the 2 visits I made... I hope nobody has to repeat this experience.


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