
charlie rose

4 years ago

In order to prevent disease, the CDC need to look ...

In order to prevent disease, the CDC need to look at their own studies and work with the true outcomes. They do not. They dilute the information and use every which way of statistical manipulation they can to present an already decided outcome. We have an opiate crisis, we have an autism epidemic. CDC's own studies show a link between vaccines and autism, yet these studies are never heard of. The FDA, CDC and pharamceutical companies have a revolving door. A conflict of interests every which way. William Thompson, who works for the CDC still, protected by "whistleblower status" told the public (through Brian Lee Hooker), that a study CDC carried out had been doctored - heavily, due to it showing a link between vaccination and ASD. Yet the media will not cover it. The media and CDC are run by pharma money.


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