Michael Venegoni

3 years ago

Let me start off by saying any review that begins ...

Let me start off by saying any review that begins with based on the reviews I was worried . Those are not real reviews. So let me begin

I have stayed at the other 2 big resorts many times but we decided to do a last minute trip and Mt Olympus was the only place with availability. I Did not read a single review because it did not matter, we had no choices. So I booked at the Hotel Rome to find out that it was over booked and I was given a better room on the property. Great, upgrade, I signed and paid then they told me the upgrade was in building 10. Funny how they waited until that part was done before they told me where the room was. At that point I was stuck, no ability to change and no refund. Ok that was my fault I guess for not asking questions.

The room was fine. Considering we just sleep there, I was satisfied except it was far far away. I can say it was clean but a far cry from other places.

Went to the water park and wow...... small, very very crowded, smelled like there was more chlorine than water in the place, dark and dingy. I as I looked around, 1/2 the lights were on. I asked the towel person when do they turn all the lights on and they said oh that is as bright as it gets. Hmmmm. This is a water park not a night club, I would like to see my family when standing around. Ok , day 1, winter, water park , everyone is happy, let s move on......

Kids are hungry so let s go to the theme park aka massive tent with worthless games and rides. Walked over to the free food area and was greater with a line easily 100 people long all waiting for the free food. I told the family to go back to the water park have fun and I will bring them hotdogs/fries/drinks etc. 30 mi later I asked for 4 dogs/chips/ 2 pizza slices. They then informed me that I could get 1. I explained that my family was at a table and I was being super dad and getting everything so the family did not have to wait in the seriously long line. Let s just say they could care less. I asked politely if they could make an exception and they just laughed. So like many others, I just bought everyone lunch (wonderful scam if you don t understand the fine print). Shame on me for not knowing.

My son is like 53ish tall. He stood at the l must be this tall line and he was there. So he got in line and waited like 20 min to get to the top. When he went to get on the slide, the slide attendant said he was not tall enough. Well I was not happy so I got in line with him and when we got to the top to get in the ride I aske why he could not go solo. I was informed you have to be above the line not just at the bottom of it. It took all I could from exploding. Yea he is a bit short for 12 years old but being at the line and 12 and denied. All I can do is laugh because the frustration is building fast

Arcade time!!! Kinda used to larger arcades but we can make this work. It s only money (gulp). Well when most of the games are out of order and the lines for the arcade games are 4-5 people deep, then you know two things will happen. 1) unhappy kids, 2) unhappy kids 3) less money but at this point I could care less cause this trip is disastrous.

I try to keep a good attitude and stay happy but this is day 1 and we have 3 to go.

You know what, I had to give a review to help others but I now realize I am wasting my time. I can highlight many more issues but I feel I have said my peace and let it go.

Please it may be a little bit more at others and please spend it. It is not worth what we paid.


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