Jp Christiansen

4 years ago



CRMC in Fresno is supposedly a "tier 1", premier hospital in California's San Joaquin Valley. Not exactly sure how this is determined, but I'm guessing there is some shady exchange of cash for the title. That being said, below is a pros/cons list from a custome... er, patient.

-Registered Nurses (RNs) and Patient Care Assistants (PCAs). These folks take on a VAST majority of the workload. In my experience, at least 4 out of 5 of them clearly enjoy helping people. Most of them work 12hr+ shifts and I have yet to hear them complain, regardless of often being understaffed and greatly underpaid.

-Free WiFi. (when it works)

-Waiting Times. In my experience, it has taken 3 days of laying on a gurney in a hallway before getting moved to a room. It's not horrible, as there are the wonderful aforementioned RNs to tend to your ailments, but it is uncomfortable to say the least and you will undoubtedly be sore rounding mid second day.

-Cafeteria Staff. The folks working in the lobby cafeteria are some of the rudest and least helpful staff onsite. Specifically one of the morning cashiers (an elderly, Asian lady who immediately threw my food in the rubbish bin when I asked her if I could step aside to get the proper change together) Another instance, I asked a server a question about one of the items at the hot food station and was told "it's self serve!" as she turned and walked away.

-Blue Sky Dining. This is the patient in room dining department at CRMC. They have two "specials" for each meal and an additional selection of options with each meal. If you get your meal as ordered, consider yourself very lucky. I ordered a mushroom omelet and side of fruit, but was given pancakes and turkey sausage. Any deviations from their "specials" will result in unwanted results.
(on a side note, you can always have food delivered by an outside restaurant, in lieu of the hospital options)

-Communication. There doesn't seem to be much communication, if any, between departments or sometimes even within the same department. Be prepared to answer the same questions two or three times a day for the duration of your stay. It gets irritating quickly.

-Noise/Lack of sleep. Unless you have a contagious disease you will have a roommate. This could range from someone who was in some some sort of accident and sleeps most of the time to a violent junkie in handcuffs who screams and yells all day and all night.

Summary: CRMC Fresno should be able to get the job done, but if you have other options look into them. Research, research, research.



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