Warren G

4 years ago




Perfect litmus test if sales is a career for you.

You will meet a lot of people working at Summit Retail Solutions- if you re good at your craft you will be recruited by your clients- explore those avenues

Weekly pay- arguably necessary to stay afloat but convenient all the same

If you make less than $12/hr on the average this could be an upgrade. If your yearly income is less that 32k a year. Be sure to factor in transportation costs and a more than the advertised 40 hour workweek


All of the con s of this business can be summarized in a google search of the word devilcorp ...don t be fooled by the name change. Summit Retail Solutions operates as an offshoot of a long standing business that s gone by many, many, names. Nulife/cydcor/dsmax/ innovage/smart circle ect. You ll see all of the legends of Summit Retail Solutions in this search and the sordid history of this business.

The cons of this business are also surmised in a fantastic book Ringing the Bell: My Life in the Biz . Company hero Tom Spiro even makes a cameo in the book. Reading this book will predict your bleak future as a leader in the business. It may as well of being an autobiography when I read it.

The company s favorite people are those they brand as leaders in their management training program . Ideally these are people poor, desperate, and helpless (PHD candidates) that will stop at nothing to build their situation .

Important Summit Retail Solutions vocabulary:

Manage your ledger - while encouraging you to not claim all the hours you work would be a legal nightmare for HR this is code for just that... so you don t have a negative ledger

Leader - someone naive or ambitious enough (ideally both) to pay to train people, interview new fodder for the machine uncompensated, and work on their days off to build their situation

Situation - Summit Retail Solutions shys away from the word career because they know they have none to offer. You build your situation which is so fickle DEMOTIONS can happen on your anniversary with the company.

I worked for over a year at Summit Retail Solutions. Never got promoted myself to management (Exceeded the criteria) or seen a promotion to management to my cohorts.

Do not pursue management unless you get paid more DIRECTLY for the effort you put in. This means training (you pay to train people), new product launches, interviewing, or keeping up with compliance on your days off. Do not live for deferred reward. The North remembers, Summit Retail Solutions does not.

The real money may well be in management. The table was set long before the company thought about you or you thought about them. Get used to crumbs or move on.


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