Amanda Young

3 years ago

This is Lola she was with LRRoF the summer of 2020...

This is Lola she was with LRRoF the summer of 2020. After a few year of my significant other asking to get a dog I finally agreed. His family had adopted a chocolate lab from them back in 2002 (maggie) so I knew this group was going to be able to help us.
We put in an application and paid our donation to the group. Within a hour I received a message that I would be getting a call from a counselor who could help me meet up with people who are fostering dogs. This gentleman was main contact. We went over our desires in a future new family member together and he gave us a lovely lady's phone number who happened to be fostering Lola. We talked to her for about an hour she told us to take the night and to think about whether or not we wanted to meet her. I think we took all of 30 minutes before I messaged her and said we would like to meet the pup and when could we meet up? We ended up meeting Lola at her foster house. Before we even got home we both knew she was going to be a part of our family forever. She has exceeded our expectations for a loving new companion. And a wonderful woman that was fostering her has become a new family friend, we share pictures of Lola with her and she shows us her new foster puppies and she's also a wonderful contact when I have questions and concerns. this group really does want to know that their puppies and dogs are succeeding in their new homes they are here for you if you have any needs or wants.

Due to covered being an issue this year most of our family is staying out of town and not able to come home,we donated in their names to this organization and purchased calendars for them as part of their gift for Christmas. The staff has been wonderful working with me making sure everything is sent and the right names are on the right donations. honestly I could never get another dog from anyone else these people are amazing kind and caring not only to the puppies and dogs that they foster but to those of us who take on a new family member.


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