Laura Washington

3 years ago

Where do I begin with this hospital ... it needs t...

Where do I begin with this hospital ... it needs to be shut down for starters... I had surgery in Macon, ga on May 17th and once I was released from the hospital I went to Albany, Ga to stay with my parents to recover. On Wednesday the 22nd I started having a lot of pain on my right side and problems breathing so my mom took me to the Er here. First problem was when we got there there was only 4 people waiting so I was thinking to myself this should not take long. I waited in the Er 4 hours FOUR hours before being called back. As I was waiting an elderly lady with diabetic problems came in by ems and clearly needed to be seen right away but they made her wait too. The security guard and receptionist was so busy talking and being on their phone that they didn t even notice a guy walk out from the back with blood everywhere. The doctors and nurses came out the back and spent 45 minutes looking for this guy who clearly didn t want help while other patients sat there and suffered. This happen about my second hour in the waiting room. When they called me back 2 hours later the blood the guy had all over the floor was still there. They put me in a room and as I was sitting down I looked on the computer which someone left up with all the patients information and I saw my name. It had a level 3 which meant a 4 hour wait and the problem they had listed was not the problem I told them about. Finally a nurse came in started an iv and took blood work and asked me to pee. I did and the pee along with all the trash in the room sat on the table all night long. The nurse came back stated that my white blood court was high and that I was waiting on the doctor. When the doctor (dr. Barnes) came in he was very rough with me I explained to him I couldn t move fast because I had just had surgery and was in a lot of pain he was like I will help u get on the bed and was pushing me roughly after I told him that it hurt and to stop. He was very playful in a very serious matter. He ordered a CT Scan of my chest when I told him the problem was on my side. The scan came back negative and I asked him to please scan my stomach and side which he would not do. I called my doctor in Macon and he told me to leave there and come back Macon. Which I did. I spent 20 hours in the Er for them to tell me nothing was wrong. When I got to my doctor he sent me straight to the hospital and they found the problem right away. I had fluids and blood built up in my stomach. They admitted me into the hospital and I am still here now. I could have died if I had listen to phoebe ... they had the nerves to call me the next day and say they need my insurance card to file my insurance. I hung up the phone on them I m going to talk to everyone I have to talk to about this until something is done because I will not be paying that bill.


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