Jeremy Glavin

4 years ago

My mom and I have been taking her dogs to Dr. Mass...

My mom and I have been taking her dogs to Dr. Massey for years, since she opened the clinic in fact. We've never had anything adverse to say about her, only that she was a very knowledgeable vet. About a month ago, one of the dogs was outside trying to go to the bathroom, and started screaming in pain when he tried to urinate. My mom called Dr. Massey, and was promptly told by the receptionist that they could not see her due to appointments. OK, no problem, that's totally understandable. My mom took the dog to the emergency animal hospital in Arroyo Grande, he had emergency surgery for bladder stones and is now recovering fine. Great!

Last week, my mom went in to ask Dr. Massey a question regarding food, because she was told changing the dogs' food would help prevent developing stones again. Dr. Massey was busy - again, no problem - so my mom had casual conversation with the receptionist while she waited for Dr. Massey to be available. They discussed what had happened with the dog, etc. etc., and my mom made a comment that the vet tech in Arroyo Grande didn't understand why Dr. Massey or a tech at her office didn't take a look at the dog to assess him before sending her away.

Suddenly, Dr. Massey comes into the lobby from an exam room, looks directly at my mom and aggressively says "are you stupid or something?!" (referring to what the tech in AG said). My mom, taken aback of course, said "excuse me?" to her, and Dr. Massey again said "are you stupid? What you're saying is illegal and I've been listening to you out here yelling the entire time!" My mom is not the type to make a scene in public - hell, she won't even post a review online for a bad experience; the only person raising their voice was Dr. Massey herself.

What kind of person asks someone if they're stupid?? Not only is it simply rude, it's incredibly unprofessional. Even if my mom had been yelling, you do NOT ask someone if they're stupid. I work with college students daily, and due to their age they're frequently wrong simply by virtue of having less life experience - however I would not, and have NEVER, asked one of them if they were stupid, even in times when I have had one of them yelling in my face. That is NOT how you do business, and that is NOT how you treat people.

Needless to say, neither myself, my mom, nor anyone we know will be going to see Dr. Massey ever again; not if she feels it's in any way acceptable to treat or speak to people in that manner.


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