Corey Mattert

4 years ago

A job search with hope and a smile? Is it possible...

A job search with hope and a smile? Is it possible after never-ending application writer's wrist? It is here.
Nothing but a positive experience, from the first call for an interview, to the experience of entering the beautiful historic building that the office is in.

Upon arriving on the fourth floor and entering the office just a few steps from the elevator, it's nothing less than a pleasant experience. The staff is smiles all around, courteous, classy and friendly. From "hello", I had the impression that they've never known a stranger.

The talent scout I met with, Kelmend, was a fine balance of professional and friendly. Although he provided a low pressure interview, some of the questions, or answers I should rather say, rely on the level of self-reflection or personal awareness the employment seeker has been or is willing to dig into. If you're into every day self-improvement, it'll be a breeze, since you know your personal inventory well. All in all, it was relaxed, at times challenging, and dare I say fun!

Don't get me wrong. Employment searching is serious business, but Hatch seems to have designed something that really works.
If you're tired of feeling like a number, if a staffing service has ever had you feeling any less valuable than you know you are, if any have looked or talked down to you, then you need the Hatch experience, as well as they need yours.

Good luck in your job search & may you find what you're looking for! :)


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