Calvin Gates

4 years ago

Personal service by David Kruger himself???

Personal service by David Kruger himself???

I have not felt so personally offended and belittled by ANYONE in a very very long time the way David Kruger did.

I am down on my luck due to recently becoming disabled.
I called and told him I had several very small loose diamonds I wanted to sell (they came from gold rings and a bracelet we sold to a pawn shop the last time we were in a hard spot)

Upon arriving, a very nice man met us and began looking at the diamonds...
Then Mr. Kruger himself came to help out...
He just looked at them very quickly, stated he would not be able to do anything with them and said he wouldnt spend his time, then turned around and left without another word.

I know they are very small diamonds, but his demeanor and tone of voice made me feel like I was just a nobody there just to waste his time.

He's right, I am a nobody.
Just a previous customer who he was VERY nice to while he was SELLING TO ME lol...
He did not introduce himself, ask my name, show any sympathy for my situation, say hello or goodbye, he did not even say anything like "sorry I cant help you, have a good day"

I thought you treat customers with courtesy AND respect whether selling or buying.
I guess he does not feel that way.

My parents have spent thousands in his store over the years, and my mother suggested I go there to try to sell my diamonds...
If I ever do have money to spend on jewelry again, DAVID KRUGER WILL NOT GET ONE RED CENT OF IT!!


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