Justin Komenko

3 years ago

Northeast marine Blakely Pa.

Northeast marine Blakely Pa.
My family has done business with Northeast Marine over the years and seemed to build a decent relationship with the owners. Fishing stories swapped, some tips for catching fish, and even some help when things didn't run right.
Recently my wife purchased a very high end Fishfinder for me as a gift for our wedding. As excited as I was, I was a little nervous about the install and asked for a tip/help with putting the unit in my boat. I was not expecting anything free and was willing to pay to have a "so called professional" do the installation for me.
The response I got completely floored me. I was asked where she purchased the unit and was told to have them install it.
I was not expecting anything free, I work for my money just like the rest of the world.
He completely insulted my wife. She didn't know they were a humminbird dealer, and was doing something to surprise me.
Apparently he was upset that it wasn't purchased from them....

Well first of all they claim to be a humminbird dealer and they claim to service what they sell. When you go on humminbirds website they arent even listed as a dealer.

Aparently if you buy a piece of equipment like a boat, motor, or any type of electronic elsewhere they can't help you because they only service what they actually sell. If you aren't a customer at the time you can't get service. If you bought a Tracker boat in Texas and moved to Pennsylvania you are screwed. He said how do you think I've been in business for 25 years? I'm still trying to figure it out. If you treat people like that why on earth would they come back or send someone else to do business?
It's sad actually, since the service manager does know his stuff but really doesn't possess any type of people skills.


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