Alexandra Milliken
Review of China Blossom

4 years ago

October 30, 2018

October 30, 2018

Dear China Blossom,

Did you guys know that you are the best restaurant ever? You are my family s go to restaurant! The food is heavenly and the staff is so nice and respectful. All of your decorations are beautiful. Let me explain in more detail. Here we go!

The moment I walked into your restaurant for the first time I knew I was going to love it. The people at the counter were so nice and happy. Then a lady came out from behind a doorway and started hugging and talking to my mom. At first I thought stranger danger! At the time I didn t know we knew some people who worked there, but now I love having conversations with you guys. The entire staff is so nice and respectful. They give you a good amount of privacy, and they are always making sure that you have what you need and get what you would like.
Next up on my list is the food. Don t even get me started on your chicken fingers. It is the best thing ever. My usual meal is the chicken with some green beans and a bowl of white rice. The green beans are just so nice a flavorful, and the chicken is so tender and crispy. Every time I bite into them I fall in love with them even more than I did in the last bite. Lastly the white rice just tops the whole meal off for me. It s normally the last thing I eat because it fills me up enough so i m not hungry anymore. I overall just love the food!

Next I want to talk about the way you decorate your restaurant. I love walking in and saying hi to every statue. Also above the staircase I love seeing the lanterns. Usually on our way out we see who can touch the highest one. It s pretty fun. All the nice and beautiful decorations make me feel calm and happy, which puts me in a good mood to have a nice meal. So keep up the great decoration skills.

The last thing I want to talk about is how close your restaurant is to us. I love just having to drive five minutes. I feel bad for the people that have to drive like ten or twenty minutes. But yet again you guys deliver which is awesome. One day I went to my friends house to sleep, and I asked what was for dinner. They said they ordered some China Blossom. I got very excited because that means if I really don t want to go out to your restaurant , I can just order the food, cuddle up on my couch and watch TV with my nice China Blossom meal.

I hope you liked this letter. I just wanted to say thanks for being the best restaurant ever! I will probably be visiting you soon. So be prepared for a hungry young lady.



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