Oswald Frenchy

4 years ago



It's not cool for you to feed the homeless and offer services and not house them. I've seen Dream Center disciples talk to homeless about not camping on or in front of Dream Center properties. Subsequently the homeless move next door and camp in front of their neighbors. I saw this one cute home with a white picket fence right across from the Dream Center, well it was white except for the black stained section that came from what I can best describe as a Rastafarian coal miner camped against their front fence. All jokes aside, the guy camped there for weeks until finally some DC people talked to him. Now I'm not completely thrashing the Dream Center, I've seen them walking around the neighborhood with thrash bags cleaning litter and I do appreciate it but they completely skip the homeless encampment right next door to them at the dead end of Coronado Terrace! My apartment building recently had a fire which was started next to said encampment, they've also been stealing electricity from the light poles so now we don't have any working street lights at the dead end of Coronado Terrace or on the North side of the 101 freeway for that matter. So in closing, please be considerate neighbor and consider all of us. God bless.


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