Boxer Mania

4 years ago

I would like to change my 2 star review, to a 5 st...

I would like to change my 2 star review, to a 5 star review, on behalf of the individual who heard my plea for help in my review. YOU ...just don t know how much that meant personally, and medically. YOU made my sleepless nights disappear. I ve slept for the last 3 nights in relief, instead of lying awake, only to watch the sunrise. I was miserable for 3 long weeks.
When the last of your supplies, slowly dwindle, and is not worthy of wearing, causing the machine to malfunction, you re either going to smother, from too much air, or not enough.
I was trying to be proactive, sending money to my account on a monthly basis, so my 20% would be there, at time of need. It worked for a year, but then it became confusing, to the staff, as I d ask them to check my account for funds, and call me back for the difference. Well, they never called back. I realize this caused confusion in the 2nd year of doing business, as no one was ever available, and I would have to call back, because no one would returned my call. On one occasion, I was transferred to the business office, with a business staff member in the office, thinking I was trying to set up a payment plan , when I said I sent money to my account monthly. Lack of communication, ran deep.
I have stopped sending monthly payments, as it seems, once an order is placed, it s automatic for the business staff to call the patient for the 20%, then it s shipped. I thought I was helping myself, and the business, to have the money there, and shipped, without having to call, and ask for it by phone.
With that being said, thank YOU, for understanding
just how uncomfortable I ve been for close to 4 weeks. Thank YOU, for expediting my delivery, as I do not think I could have gone another sleepless night. I appreciate YOU... for doing your job, and for following up, and recognizing the predictament I was in. When it s an emergency, an e mail is not a sufficient form of contact, even though your excuse in the email stated, (the rep,)was on the phone 1/2 a day with an insurance company . Sick People don t check e-mail daily, and the email I received went to my spam folder, as I ve never received an e-mail from a personal name , of an employee, nor the business. If I had not called for a 4th time, I wouldn t have known about the April 20th email. I needed immediate assistance, as I ordered my supplies on 3/28/18.
I needed prompt assistance, and someone there read it here. YOU did your job. I can t thank YOU enough, for following up, and insuring I received my supplies, ASAP.
Things may have gone wrong within the busy business days, and my question may have been over someone s pay grade , (a rep said), and then transferred me to the business office, where I was told, we don t do payment plans . My frustration was at its peak, but I do so appreciate, YOU, for your care, concern, and prompt attention, expediting my delivery, after I did without my supplies, for 3 1/2 weeks. I appreciate YOU!! I pray I will never have to go through this again!!! Thank YOU!!!


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