Dennis Morgan

4 years ago



I am writing about our experience with the Hilton Anaheim near Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. At 777 W Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802. We stayed for four nights between Jan 17-20. We wasted all of our Hilton Honor points that I had saved up, including points that I received for the LAST horrible Hilton experience we had last Summer, on this trip. Then we spent thousands of dollars on Disneyland that we couldn't even enjoy because we never got good sleep. Hilton has become such a disappointment to my family and me especially after its luxurious and rich reputation.

Let me start with the biggest problem - the vacation breaking problem. We did not have much money or credit card credit left over after buying the tickets for Disneyland and the hotel. When we checked in, my mom paid for the remaining hotel bill with her credit card then I gave my credit card to cover incidentals. I can't remember the exact amounts but I got charged for the incidentals AND the remaining room bill on my credit card. Then when we told them about it, they charged my mom's card and put an authorization for the incidentals TWICE. It was a big mess but long story short we were completely wiped out. No money for food, no money for souvenirs, it was awful. Thankfully my sister and her family also came on Saturday to help us out. Her family also stayed in your hotel in the room next to us and trust me, she had problems too.

Let me also explain the problems with the rooms. The biggest problem that was every two to three minutes the toilet, or the pipes behind the walls in the bathroom, would make a loud whistling noise. CONSTANTLY. It would wake us up over and over. The air conditioner didn't seem to work correctly and a couple of nights we felt over heated like crazy. Behind our bed we found left over trash as well as a big spider. The TV kept turning off at random intervals. The water in the shower kept going hot cold hot cold hot cold it was torture trying to just get clean. The bathroom door didn't close all the way in both my and my sister's room. She shared a lot of the same problems we did. And my mom's bed was slanted so it always felt like she was rolling towards one way and didn't feel even.

I think the worst part was that when we were leaving, one of the door stoppers (or maybe it was a hanger thing for clothes, the ones attached to doors) feel on my mom's head after moving the bathroom door. I'm sorry but it's just not acceptable that a hotel has so many problems when it comes to a person's vacation. You know how much it costs to visit Disneyland, it's something people save up for a long time for.


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