Miep Kraak

3 years ago

update 11-02-21

update 11-02-21
Top of anti-social, trivire as usual not at home, article in the daily newspaper AD states that a shopkeeper does not receive any response to reduce the rent of his shop premises. Due to covid, this man is not getting any turnover. This man has contacted in various ways but trivire is silent as usual. When the newspaper contacted they said that the employer concerned was not present. Calibrated excuse, trivial do not make a file about anything. Other landlords do make themselves at home, except for this antisocial housing. This anti-social housing construction has also increased the rent extremely over the past year compared to last year, which was a doubling of the rent increase. Because the director must of course earn a fat salary, this lady has the highest salary under the WB in the whole of the Netherlands, shamelessly on the back of social rent.

Update; nowadays trivire can also be found on FB, hypocrisy at the top, they make messages about, do you have a problem with the neighborhood, or a complaint, you cannot pay the rent, have a technical complaint, report it via the portal. These messages are of course very critically responded to. You get the answer that you have to send a message via PB so that trivire will solve it. But as usual, there is also no response. Overly critical messages are deleted. You can send a hundred emails, they never had the decency to answer. But supposedly being very social on FB ... too disgusting for words.

This housing association does not go for the interests of the residents, they only consider their bank account important. You think to rent a 55 plus house, but then when it comes out trivial they put family with 5 children in a 55 plus complex. And that while the residents have promised several times that it will remain a 55 plus complex. But if you ask why children are being placed it is said that they are not 55 plus homes. So without informing the residents, this is suddenly changed so that the trivial matter is better. Even grown children were refused to assist their elderly mother. But in case of trivire, only immigrants get priority then suddenly children may live in a 55 plus house. How to measure with different sizes.

Trivire recently renovated the homes on gas, while the whole of the Netherlands is going off gas. It does not matter that the residents are many times more expensive because of gas consumption. Also, trivire was too fooled to compensate for inconveniences during the renovation, making it hardly habitable during the renovation. But it does raise the rent by 20 euros.

Trivire also keeps junkies and criminal hands above the ground, they do not keep a file and lie to the residents who try to keep the living environment livable. Dozens of inmates suffer from this junk that is pampered by trivire. In a 55 plus complex you will have 5 children living above you, which jeopardizes your enjoyment of living. Residents have to solve it themselves, but these people do not speak Dutch. But why does the ball keep getting bounced back when trivire itself caused the problem of putting in a large family in a 55 plus complex. The consequence of this is that the complex is becoming impoverished enormously, it is bizarre how 1 family can pollute the environment with, for example, trading many '' found '' bicycles and leaving what is left on the street. Throwing everything over the balcony, resulting in rats and mice. Children screaming in galleries, dirty elevators, vandalizing and dirty in halls Etc .. etc ..

Basically it comes down to the fact that the good landlord is always screwed up at trivire and that you can figure it out yourself. This is going to escalate and who will be blamed ??? You can guess 3x.

I have lived a lot of different housing associations in my life but trivire is by dot number 1 that does not take the landlords into account!


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