Natasha Bailey

4 years ago

Completely unprofessional. I was recruited by Cory...

Completely unprofessional. I was recruited by Cory to follow a patient of mine to amazing, even though it was a $3 pay cut from what I was making, I was willing to make the switch. My plan was to just work with the one patient and keep my other better paying job, but it didn't work out that way. What happened was my phone broke, so I lost my direct line to Cory and my patient. Luckily enough Corey did reach out to me and let me know that all I had to do was orientation and I would be all set to work with my patient. After completing the orientation a week later I discovered that my patient was no longer with amazing home Care. That is information that should have been made known to me before doing the orientation. So I wasted an entire day, plus transportation money, money on breakfast & lunch to attend an orientation for no reason. I currently make $17-$20 an hour so it goes without saying that I'm beyond happy with my employer. I would NEVER take that pay cut for a patient I do not know, therefore I will never take a case with amazing.


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