Reviews 9
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3 years ago


About War Child Holland

War Child Holland is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of children who are living in areas affected by violence and armed conflict. The organization was founded in 1995, and since then, it has been working tirelessly to provide support and assistance to children who have been impacted by war.

The mission of War Child Holland is to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children living with violence and armed conflict. The organization believes that every child deserves a safe environment where they can grow, learn, and thrive. Unfortunately, many children around the world are denied this basic right due to war and conflict.

War Child Holland works in various countries around the world, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Uganda, South Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan, Colombia among others. In these countries they work with local partners such as NGOs or community-based organizations to provide psychosocial support for children affected by war.

One of the key ways that War Child Holland helps these children is through education programs. The organization believes that education is essential for helping children build resilience and develop skills that will help them succeed later in life. They work with local schools or set up temporary schools when necessary so that kids can continue their education even during times of conflict.

Another important aspect of War Child's work is providing psychosocial support for kids who have experienced trauma due to war or violence. This includes counseling services as well as creative activities like music therapy or art therapy which help them express themselves better.

In addition to its direct work with kids on the ground in conflict zones around the world , War Child also advocates for policies at national level aimed at protecting child rights during conflicts . They also engage communities on how best they can protect their own young ones from harm caused by conflicts .

Overall , War Child Holland has made significant strides towards improving the lives of millions of vulnerable young people across different parts of globe . Their commitment towards ensuring every child gets an opportunity regardless their background makes them one-of-a-kind organisation worth supporting .