Reviews 7
Most recent
3 years ago

The work that UCP of Georgia is doing for people w...

The work that UCP of Georgia is doing for people with disabilities is incredible. They focus on giving the best care through their strong caregiving team. UCP of Georgia really focuses on supporting their people well. They are so knowledgeable and care deeply about their mission!

4 years ago

This company gives poor service , they do not care...

This company gives poor service , they do not care for the individuals in gentle, encouraging, compassionate matters the way their supposed to. They are mean to the individuals, majority of the individuals at the group homes are not being bathed regularly, there has been flying mats in the clients/individuals food. The managers don't want you to be truthful with the support coordinators. It's just so much that goes on in this company. Being that Jim a former employee and I myself have reported things I've seen in this company. This company gives poor service.

4 years ago

UCPGA is one of the best organizations out there! ...

UCPGA is one of the best organizations out there! All the staff from top to bottom are extremely nice and helpful and they are doing some amazing work in supporting families living with cerebral palsy!

About United cerebal palsy of ga/sc

United Cerebral Palsy of Georgia (UCPGA) is a non-profit organization that provides support and services to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the state of Georgia. The organization was founded in 1965, and since then, it has been dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities by providing them with the resources they need to live independently.

UCPGA offers a wide range of programs and services that are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. These programs include residential services, day programs, employment services, respite care, family support services, and more. The organization's goal is to help individuals with disabilities achieve their full potential by providing them with opportunities for growth and development.

One of UCPGA's most important programs is its residential services program. This program provides individuals with disabilities a safe and supportive environment where they can live independently while receiving the care they need. UCPGA operates several group homes throughout Georgia that provide 24-hour care for residents.

In addition to its residential program, UCPGA also offers day programs that provide individuals with disabilities opportunities for socialization, education, and skill-building. These programs are designed to help participants develop new skills while also building relationships within their community.

UCPGA's employment services program helps individuals with disabilities find meaningful work opportunities in their communities. The organization works closely with local businesses to identify job openings that are suitable for individuals with disabilities. Once a job has been identified, UCPGA provides training and support so that the individual can succeed in their new role.

Respite care is another important service offered by UCPGA. This service provides temporary relief for caregivers who may need a break from caring for an individual with a disability. Respite care can be provided in-home or at one of UCPGA's facilities.

Family support services are also available through UCPGA. These services provide families who have loved ones living with disabilities access to resources such as counseling, education on disability-related topics, advocacy assistance when dealing legal issues related to disability rights or benefits claims processing etc., financial planning advice etc., all aimed at helping families navigate through challenges associated caring someone living intellectual/developmental disability

Overall United Cerebral Palsy Association (UCPA) plays an essential role in supporting adults living intellectual/developmental disability across Georgia State; it helps these people lead fulfilling lives by providing them access necessary resources like housing options (group homes), day programming activities tailored towards skill-building & socialization; employment placement assistance; respite care provision which gives caregivers much-needed breaks from caregiving duties; family support which includes counseling sessions among other things aimed at helping families navigate challenges associated caring someone living intellectual/developmental disability

United cerebal palsy of ga/sc

United cerebal palsy of ga/sc
