Reviews 44
Most recent
3 years ago

I"m glad u of Maine took the same stance on diver...

I"m glad u of Maine took the same stance on diversifying investments, being environmentally sound, like Unity College. has in the past. Larry Maye Unity Alum. 1974 By the way, I was not excepted by Orano because of my sat:s, silly ass test, but graduated Unity College and became very successful & been retired 5 yrs.

3 years ago

Wow u of m really is good people there i have call...

Wow u of m really is good people there i have call there bookstore people and they was really nice over the phone and very helpful with merchandise they even help me find basketball and football jersey stuff over the phone and i got them so thank for the book store people there so i will definitely choose u of m in future to go the school there for major in get my bachelor degree in political science and business 100% see you guy there in 2019-2020 go black bears go.

3 years ago

The University of Maine at Orono has the syndrome ...

The University of Maine at Orono has the syndrome of being a big fish in a small pond. Due to the fact that they are the "Land grant" University in Maine, they present themselves to the rest of the State to be the academic Harvard of Maine while at the same time, athletically, they act like they are the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in Maine. In fact, it could not be further from the truth. It is too bad, because it has the potential to be a much better school than what it is, but the school's administration, tenured professors, as well as coaches have an attitude demeaning to many; and have a pretentious and pompous presentation that reveals an inferiority complex, just by the way they deal with many other. When I went there in the 1980 s, most of the student body that would interact with me, and would invite me to social activities were from out of state. Most were from Massachusetts or Connecticut. I did notice that most of the in-state students kept to those whom they knew, from either their own high school or another high school from the same county or region they were from. Academically, I found that a good portion of my classes were taught, not by the professor whose name was on the syllabus, but by graduate students who were covering for these professors so they could spend more time on research and development, or on their writing requirements, in order to maintain their tenure. I did have one bad experience with a well know professor named Dr. Vandamar, who taught elementary physical education at UMO. This class had a lab, in which the professor assigned young children to each college student for instructing, with the result of their learning to be tabulated for grading. He assigned to me a 5-year-old girl to work with, in order to develop certain physical activities for her to perform independently by verbal instruction. I was not able to get this poor girl to perform any sort of task. I, nor the childcare services that brought her to the University, could even get her to speak to us. She would just cringe and start crying to the caretaker who brought her to me. I complained about this to the professor multiple times. However, he would just tell me to use different techniques that he was teaching us in class. I was never able to accomplish anything with this child, and ended up failing my lab. At the end of the semester, when I received a passing grade on my final written exam, but a failing grade on my lab, the professor came up to me and told me that he had found out that the little girl I was working with had been abused, and that was the main reason I was not able to get anywhere with her. Unfortunately, he had already posted the grades for the lab and could not rescind it. Therefore, if I wanted, he would let me take his lab during the following spring semester without cost, if I was interested. I told him I would get back to him in January to let him know. When I contacted the registrar, near the end of winter break about attending Dr. Vandamar's lab, I was informed that Dr. Vandamar was no longer with the UMO and was now an instructor at the University of Arizona. Talking about being burned. After that, I withdrew from UMO and transferred all my credits to USM, where I changed my major to History and Economics, and a minor in electrical technology. A few years later, I graduated with honors from USM and have had a successful career in the electric power industry. There are no perfect schools; I can assure you of that. However, I would recommend USM over UMO. In addition, if you do not want to spend all outdoors on private college tuition and want a Land grant education experience, than I would go to UNH or UVM. They are much better schools. They existentially, provide a better human experience and study environment to be subjected to, while, at the same time, seeking healthy social interaction.

3 years ago


3 years ago

UMaine is a great school. Nearly every professor I...

UMaine is a great school. Nearly every professor I had while working on my degree here was knowledgeable, helpful, and friendly. My personal experience was with Engineering, which isn't a walk in the park by any means, but succeeding here lends itself to feeling extremely satisfied due to amount of support given to the students by the faculty.

Campus is very nice and expansive, and is great to walk around on all times of the year (though, bundle up if it's the winter - Orono can get very cold!). It always feels lively, and there's always a ton of things going on that you can get involved with.

Dining can be a bit of a mixed bag sometimes, but it's not bad by any means.

Some of the buildings are fairly old, but from what I've seen, heard, and read both during my time there and since I graduated, they appear to be slowly modernizing the worst offenders across the campus.

All-in-all, going to UMaine was a great experience. The community is great, the education is superb, and it's an all-around great choice if you're considering to go here.

3 years ago

Been going here for two months. The financial offi...

Been going here for two months. The financial office is slow to get anything done, and you have to keep checking in with them to get anything done, (either by emailing, calling, or walking in).

The people on campus are friendly and there are a lot of clubs to join.

For in-state residents the tuition isn't too high, compared to other colleges outside the UMS system. Scholarships are usually easy to obtain, with student resources readily available when office hours are open.

There are a lot of dining areas on campus, with a wide selection of cuisine. They are usually located in places near dormitories or high traffic areas.

Overall Umaine is a good school, but could use improvements in the financial aide office and the coordination of student events. There are usually movies playing every week on campus but they aren't normally advertised very well.

3 years ago

My wife and I graduated from UMaine, Orono, in 197...

My wife and I graduated from UMaine, Orono, in 1979 and UMaine Law in 1984. As a criminal defense lawyer and former prosecutor, I can tell you that some of the best criminal defense lawyers and prosecutors in this State went to UMaine. A number of judges went there, too, including the Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. Two of my high school classmates graduated UMaine and are M.D.'s; another is a dentist. My older daughter graduated UMaine in 2013 and is thriving in Chicago. My younger daughter graduates from UMaine this year and will begin veterinary school at Tufts in August. For me, it was a wonderful school where I met lifelong friends and got a fine education. No, I don't suppose it coddles you, and my daughters had a couple of jerk profs along the way, but life does not coddle us, and jerks abound in the world outside academia, so I don't believe those reflections of reality are all bad. College of my heart always...

3 years ago

College is what you make of it. Most of the negati...

College is what you make of it. Most of the negative reviews boil down to WAHHH! Someone wasn't nice to me, or WAHHHH I couldn't figure out how to get myself a job (with two degrees). UMO was a fine university, and even after changing my career path a couple of times, I was able to create a wonderful career from the variety of things I learned there. I am still close to the people I met there (including my wife ;.) ). Last, we sent our daughter there, and she loves it as well. No place is perfect, but this place was good.

3 years ago

Went to UMO in 1980 it was the best experience of ...

Went to UMO in 1980 it was the best experience of my life. I was enroled at BCC and took enviornmental psycology social courses I barely passed algerbra courses. Because of past trauma abuse living in an eviornment that included poverty alcholism drugs and violence I lacked skills to function what one would consider normal. I never could hold onto a job. I eventally was declaired disabled by a Federal Judge. It was devistating to be labled as mentally ill. The University of Maine at Orono open a new door for me art. It was there that I learned the value of education. 20 years later I still am disabled under Federal law have non Hodgekins Lymphoma and lost my health insurance. But the only love and expression of communication I found was through art. Art speaks to the individual it enables free interpetation of abstract visual concepts and ideas.I will always fail. But I will never take any side wether poliitical or war. Because I believe that art is the one form of communication that is understandable. We may not understand the world but we still can relate through any form of art.

4 years ago

Would definitely not recommend this school if you ...

Would definitely not recommend this school if you plan on owning a car as the parking services are horrendous. They hand out ridiculous fines that are unreasonably high and very frequent. The parking spaces available are few to none. Trying to drive to class in the winter and owning a car during the winter at this school is terrible. Choose a better school that doesn't like to milk their students for all the money they can.

4 years ago

UMO did its job for me 47 years ago, kept me out o...

UMO did its job for me 47 years ago, kept me out of Vietnam. Liberal Arts education back then was so so . I hear it is much better now. Took my daughter there this last winter for a visit just to let her know what the school was about. Bring your woollies!!, it is a very cold and windy place in the late fall, winter and early spring. Good school for engineering and business, probably a much better school than it was all those years ago. Chow halls provide gourmet food compared to the offerings back in the early 70s. The campus life is full so do not worry that you are at the end of the long highway to the hinterlands that is 95. You can get an excellent cost effective education there but you will have to go after it, nobody will serve it to you on a platter.

4 years ago

So let s start with the location, middle of nowher...

So let s start with the location, middle of nowhere, if you go without a car, forget it. They advertise multiple activities across campus that are easy to find, however you have to know people to become a part of anything. The food is right up there with cafeteria high school food, not the best by far and very expensive if you don t have a full dining plan. While the professors are great at what they do, the education is on par with any other state school you can find. The people who are welcoming at first really are not the best, had a buddy receive an harassment notice because he was talking about another student quietly in his own room. If you don t mind outdated buildings, a clique-like school, mediocre food, and getting in trouble for nothing, then this is the place for you.

4 years ago

Horrible school. That place ruined my life. I wish...

Horrible school. That place ruined my life. I wish I had all that time and money back. Vicious two faced people that love to say mean stuff all the time and the one's that are nice to your face can be mean behind your back, that goes for both student and staff. The Bangor Daily news posted an article in 2010 that stated that a conservative think tank gave UMaine-Orono a Failing grade (F) across the board for University standards, which proves my point. It also appears to be a cheap school for a state U but when you get there they nickel and dime you to death. Also all too often when I would compare statistics from professors to that of actual research I found discrepancies that lead me to believe that their professors let their bias lead them to fudge facts. Specially when it came to politics. I'm no conservative, I'm an Independent but the campus is filled with Liberals that seem to fudge their data but they get away with it because they do it only a little here and a little there. But if you look close you'll see it. Also I hated living in the dorm the campus obviously gave special favors to students that had more money or ties to certain levels of the government, or if they had a parent that was a public figure. When I first went to UMaine I was a fun loving bubbly person but after spending too much time there the life-force was sucked from me and I am now left resentful and bitter. Too many drug addicts, drunks, and mean people. UMaine SUCKS.

4 years ago

Good school to learn at but UMaine is useless when...

Good school to learn at but UMaine is useless when it comes to getting a job after. My husband has 2 degrees from here and works at Hannaford! Waste of money! His 2nd degree being in Computer Science, knowing he was going to find a job in Maine after they never bothered to tell him that most jobs for computers in Maine required database, therefore he never took the class.

4 years ago

Very great school with awesome opportunities for t...

Very great school with awesome opportunities for their students. College is suppose to be the launch pad for our future and it is up to us to make college beneficial. I think that the University of Maine gives their students all of the resources and opportunities to do great things! Proud to be a Black Bear!!! Go Blue!

4 years ago

This is a big campus and back then, when I toured ...

This is a big campus and back then, when I toured I was coming from a small town. I met some cool people right off, and it is a nice campus. I decided against going here but I had a nice time/good night when I was up there.

4 years ago

Freshman Business student, class of 2017. Professo...

Freshman Business student, class of 2017. Professors are genuine, smart, and creative in their teaching methods. They are also accessible for such a large campus. Love the intramurals, particularly flag football, and the clubs/ student recreation. For the most part the people are very kind. Dorm life is pretty usual. The drug/alcohol scene is pretty huge. Going to UMaine football and hockey games are special. I would recommend The University of Maine - Orono to anyone looking for a quality experience and education at an affordable price. Go Black Bears!

4 years ago

The best part about UMO was that I met my wife the...

The best part about UMO was that I met my wife there, the 2nd part part about UMO was that we left Maine and transferred to school in New York. 5 stars for my wife, -1 for the education, averages to 2 stars.

4 years ago

I'm an angry girl who didn't like this one girl wh...

I'm an angry girl who didn't like this one girl who talked about me behind my back, and since that ONE girl talked bad about me... I hate this school. One star. (Every one star review on here) But in all seriousness, it's about 4 stars.

4 years ago

Great location, great size- kind of an expensive s...

Great location, great size- kind of an expensive school for a state university, and getting a straight answer from any office is difficult. You often need to go from building to building in order to solve a problem. Over-all great variety of classes, students, and student experiences.

4 years ago

Although I feel like the University of Maine is an...

Although I feel like the University of Maine is an institution that is known for its research and STEM programs , I still found it a home for my liberal arts education. Most people wouldn't classify the University of Maine as a good school to get a liberal arts degree in, but I will tell you, I have found numerous opportunities at the school to explore and complement my Communication degree. Whether that be through the courses, organizations, or faculty, I think regardless of what field you enter, you can find what you are looking for at UMaine. I think the reviewers on here that seem pretty angry have forgotten the fact that, what you get out of college, is what you put into your college experience. If you don't go out, challenge yourself, and seek opportunities to better your education, then you won't see the positive aspects that are right in front of you. I am proud to be completing my undergraduate career at the University of Maine this upcoming Fall. I thank my professors and mentors for enriching my college experience, as well as the lifelong friends I have made here. Go Black Bears!

4 years ago

The dorms are a lot of fun here and everywhere tha...

The dorms are a lot of fun here and everywhere that I have been on campus has been well maintained and clean. The food that you can find on campus is great too. I never attended class here, but I am sure that would be nice as well, I have heard great things.

4 years ago

I notice most reviews that make this over a four s...

I notice most reviews that make this over a four star school are just ratings from 'A Google User'. Not surprised. Anyway, this is a good school if you already know people who go here and are basically local and love to get, y'know, hammered. Most of the population here is white, partiers. Most of the professors are pretentious snots who will not take any time to get to know you and assume you are relatively daft. The days are short, quite literally, as the school year takes place during Maine's darkest months and mental illness is at its peak. There is little to do except gossip, so expect that most of your relationships will be insincere and with narcissists. The staff of the University-- for example, financial aid, is resentful. If college is about making connections, you can forget about it here. There will be a few golden children who will emulate the professors to a T, but the majority of persons not involved in engineering, science or education will be left to the wayside. Pick anywhere else if you are a literate person who enjoys connecting with likeminded persons in a well-cared for setting. The older buildings are so dumpy. I cringe every month when I pay my loan back. I wrote to an old professor and never received a reply. Not worth it. Depressing D school.

4 years ago

The school gave me a great education, both in the ...

The school gave me a great education, both in the class and outside. If you are looking at this school, know that you must get involved and actively engage in your own learning (this is for any school). The faculty and staff are wonderful people and dedicated to student learning. I loved my time there and it helped me on my own path.

4 years ago

Terrible school that will suck you dry!! Like Davi...

Terrible school that will suck you dry!! Like David said, this place will nickel and dime you. I'm a very disappointed Native American student that was told I would have my tuition waived and receive a scholarship for room and board because of my tribal membership. Then, I can only assume because I also got the Dean's scholarship, they lowered the amount I was awarded. Ended up paying over 2k a semester, which I know doesn't sound like much, but it's alot for somebody who was expecting to be getting a full-ride scholarship. And I'm left to wonder where that scholarship money went? As far as the coordinator of the Native American Waiver and Educational Program believes, I was awarded my full scholarship. The staff at both the admissions office and bursar's office are extremely rude and unhelpful. The whole time I attended this school, I felt discriminated against and was treated like a criminal trying to cheat them out of money when it was clearly the other way around. Students there know about the weaknesses in administration and take advantage of them to get alcohol and drugs onto the campus undetected. While they were worrying over theft and bomb threats, drug dealers were getting away scot free. More importantly, professors spoke too freely of their opinions about certain professions and even made some students feel ashamed of their reasons to be getting the degrees in their chosen fields. It's not their job to determine how successful we'll be in life because of our chosen career path. Not the majority of the professors were like this, but too many of them were just jerks who were clearly on a "nerd revenge" path. I would never suggest my future kids go to this school. Two thumbs down for sure.

About The Maine Campus

The Maine Campus: Your Ultimate Guide to UMaine

The University of Maine, also known as UMaine, is the state's premier public university and is among the most comprehensive higher education institutions in the Northeast. With a rich history dating back to 1865, UMaine has been providing quality education to students from all over the world for over a century.

If you're looking for an institution that offers top-notch academic programs, cutting-edge research opportunities, and a vibrant campus life, then look no further than The Maine Campus. As one of the leading online resources for all things UMaine-related, we are dedicated to helping students make informed decisions about their academic careers.

Our website provides a wealth of information on everything from admissions requirements and financial aid options to campus events and student organizations. Whether you're a prospective student or already enrolled at UMaine, our site is your go-to source for all things related to this prestigious institution.

Academic Programs

At The Maine Campus, we understand that choosing the right academic program can be overwhelming. That's why we've compiled detailed information on every major offered at UMaine. From engineering and business administration to nursing and education, our site provides an in-depth look at each program's curriculum requirements and career prospects.

We also offer advice on how to choose your major based on your interests and strengths. Our team of experienced writers has interviewed professors from various departments who provide insights into what it takes to succeed in each field.

Admissions Requirements

Applying for college can be stressful; however, with The Maine Campus by your side – it doesn't have to be! We've broken down every step of the application process so that you know exactly what documents are required when applying.

Our website also offers tips on how best to prepare yourself before submitting your application – including advice on writing personal statements or essays that will stand out from other applicants' submissions!

Financial Aid Options

Paying for college can be expensive; however – there are many financial aid options available! At The Maine Campus – we provide detailed information about scholarships available through both private organizations as well as those offered by UMaine itself!

We also offer guidance regarding federal loans such as FAFSA (Free Application For Federal Student Aid) which helps students pay tuition fees without having any upfront costs!

Campus Life

UMaine boasts an active campus life with numerous clubs & organizations catering towards different interests such as sports teams like Black Bears Football or Hockey Club; music groups like Jazz Ensemble or Choral Society; cultural clubs like International Students Association (ISA) or African American Student Association (AASA).

At The Maine Campus - we keep track of all upcoming events happening around campus so that you never miss out! From concerts & performances by famous artists like Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift -to- guest lectures given by renowned scholars -we have got it covered!

Student Organizations

Joining student organizations is one way students can get involved in extracurricular activities while attending college! At The Maine Campus -we provide detailed information about various clubs & organizations catering towards different interests such as sports teams like Black Bears Football or Hockey Club; music groups like Jazz Ensemble or Choral Society; cultural clubs like International Students Association (ISA) or African American Student Association (AASA).

We believe joining these groups not only enhances social skills but also helps develop leadership qualities which will come handy later in life!

Research Opportunities

UMaine prides itself on being one of America's top research universities with faculty members conducting groundbreaking research across various fields ranging from marine biology & oceanography- To- engineering & computer science!

At The Maine Campus -we keep track of ongoing research projects happening around campus so that interested students can get involved too! We believe participating in these projects not only enhances knowledge but also opens up doors towards future career prospects!


In conclusion – if you're looking for an online resource dedicated solely towards providing accurate information about everything related to University Of Main then look no further than "The Main Campus" website! Our team works tirelessly day-in-day-out ensuring our content remains up-to-date while offering valuable insights into academics programs offered here along with financial aid options available plus much more!

So whether you're considering applying soon OR already enrolled here at UMaiine- visit us today because "The Main(e) Thing Is You!"

The Maine Campus

The Maine Campus
