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About Tecnipar engenharia ambiental

Tecnipar Engenharia Ambiental: Your One-Stop Solution for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Tecnipar Engenharia Ambiental is a leading company in the field of water and wastewater treatment. With years of experience, the company has established itself as a reliable partner for industries, municipalities, and individuals who seek efficient and sustainable solutions for their water-related challenges.

The company specializes in treating industrial and sanitary effluents, designing and building sewage treatment plants (ETEs), drinking water treatment plants (ETAs), biodigesters, MBBR systems, PRFV tanks, among other products. Tecnipar's team of experts is composed of engineers, technicians, biologists, chemists who work together to provide customized solutions that meet each client's specific needs.

One of Tecnipar's strengths is its ability to integrate different technologies into a single project. For instance, the company can combine anaerobic digestion with aerobic treatment to maximize energy recovery from organic waste while minimizing environmental impact. Similarly, Tecnipar can use membrane filtration to remove suspended solids from wastewater before discharging it into rivers or reusing it for irrigation or industrial purposes.

Tecnipar also offers maintenance services for its equipment and systems. The company has a team of trained professionals who can perform preventive or corrective maintenance on-site or remotely using telemetry tools. This ensures that clients' facilities operate smoothly without downtime or unexpected failures.

In addition to its technical expertise, Tecnipar values sustainability as a core principle in all its operations. The company strives to minimize the use of chemicals and energy in its processes by optimizing design parameters such as hydraulic retention time (HRT), sludge age (SRT), pH control among others. Moreover,Tecnipar promotes circular economy by recovering resources from waste streams such as biogas which can be used as fuel for generators or boilers.

Tecnipar has completed several projects in Brazil and abroad, serving clients from various sectors such as food and beverage, pulp and paper, mining, oil and gas, among others. Some of the company's notable projects include the design and construction of a wastewater treatment plant for a dairy industry in Minas Gerais state that reduced COD by 90%, the installation of an MBBR system for a petrochemical plant in Bahia state that removed 99% of nitrogen compounds from effluent, and the implementation of a biogas plant for a pig farm in Santa Catarina state that generated electricity from swine manure.

If you are looking for a reliable partner to solve your water-related challenges with efficiency, sustainability, and innovation,Tecnipar Engenharia Ambiental is your best choice. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

Tecnipar engenharia ambiental

Tecnipar engenharia ambiental
