Reviews 8
Most recent
3 years ago

I had never visited until recently and now I'm exc...

I had never visited until recently and now I'm excited to be invited back! The space is expertly laid out and designed...super welcoming and bright. I loved the open areas for speakers and the large step layout to comfortably relax while still working at 7pm on a school night

4 years ago

Teach for America refuses to delete your account o...

Teach for America refuses to delete your account or any personal identifiable data when you request them to do so. They state they own anything you submit to them during the application process and refuse to delete any of your personal identifiable information. Be careful with these guys, they're sketchy af. Look a lot closer online at the negative feedback from their teachers before you even consider applying. I withdrew my application after reading more of their teachers experiences online, I did not go through any more of the application process. You still have to pay out of pocket for a teaching certificate in the state you want to teach, they undertrain and underpay their teachers, and they do not support their teachers once they are placed. Considering doing yourself a favor and start digging into the material detailing the impacts this organization has on the education system with teachers working short-term who are undertrained. It does not help the education system, it makes it worse. Just get certified to teach in your state, then apply at the schools you want to work at. Bypass this organization all together.

4 years ago

Don't bother applying if you are a) an actual cert...

Don't bother applying if you are a) an actual certified teacher or b) over the age of 24. I applied for Teach for America three times. I am certified (in fact I went to graduate school to become certified) and have actual classroom experience. On the day of the last round of interviews I was the first to arrive (quite a few applicants were late) and did what was probably the best demo lesson in the group (even the other applicants complimented me). Most of us exchanged emails to keep in touch and I noticed something about the few that made it: under 25 and no real experience. Oh and their demo lessons weren't even that good. It's very clear to me that Teach for America does not really care about closing the achievement gap or they would hire people who have already proven that they can do so. They discriminate plain and simple and I can't wait till they are finally forced to close their doors once and for all!

About Teach for America New York City

Teach for America New York City: Empowering Leaders to Transform Education

Teach for America (TFA) is a non-profit organization that aims to provide quality education to children in low-income communities across the United States. Founded in 1990, TFA has been working tirelessly to bridge the educational gap between students from different socio-economic backgrounds.

In this article, we will focus on Teach for America New York City and how it is empowering leaders to transform education in one of the most diverse and dynamic cities in the world.

What is Teach for America?

Teach for America is a national organization that recruits outstanding college graduates and professionals from various fields such as business, law, medicine, and engineering. These individuals are then trained rigorously over the summer before they are placed as teachers in under-resourced schools across the country.

The goal of TFA is not only to provide quality education but also to create a pipeline of leaders who will work towards ending educational inequity. After completing their two-year commitment with TFA, many alumni continue working in education or other fields where they can make an impact on society.

Why New York City?

New York City is home to over 1.1 million public school students who come from diverse backgrounds. The city has some of the best schools in the country but also some of the worst-performing ones. According to data from 2019-2020 school year, only 47% of students were proficient in English Language Arts (ELA) and 52% were proficient in Math.

These statistics highlight how important it is for organizations like TFA to work towards improving educational outcomes for all students regardless of their zip code or background.

How does Teach for America New York City work?

TFA NYC recruits talented individuals who have a passion for teaching and making an impact on children's lives. Once selected, these individuals undergo intensive training during summer institute where they learn about classroom management techniques, lesson planning strategies, cultural competency skills among other things.

After completing their training program successfully, corps members are placed as full-time teachers at partner schools across NYC where they teach subjects ranging from English Language Arts (ELA), Math Science Social Studies among others depending on their expertise area

Corps members receive ongoing support throughout their two-year commitment through coaching sessions with experienced educators who help them navigate challenges that arise while teaching at under-resourced schools

Impact made by Teach For America New York City

Since its inception,TFA NYC has been making significant strides towards improving educational outcomes across various communities within NYC . In fact according data provided by TFA website ,in academic year 2019-2020 alone:

- Over 500 corps members taught more than 30k students
- More than half (54%)of corps members identify as people of color
- Over $2 million was raised by alumni network which was used fund initiatives aimed at addressing systemic inequities within education system

Furthermore,TFA NYC has partnered with several organizations including Department Of Education(DOE), charter networks like KIPP,Noble Network among others which have helped expand its reach beyond traditional public schools .


Teach For America New York City plays an important role not just providing quality education but also creating pipeline leaders committed ending systemic inequities within our society . Through rigorous selection process ,intensive training programs ongoing support ,corps members are equipped with necessary skills knowledge needed succeed classrooms serving underprivileged communities .

As we move forward into future,it's clear that organizations like TFA will continue play critical role ensuring every child regardless background receives high-quality education deserves .

Teach for America New York City

Teach for America New York City
