Office of Councilmember Curren D. Price, Jr.

Office of Councilmember Curren D. Price, Jr. Review

Reviews 10
Reviews 10
Most recent
3 years ago

This guy is a piece of crap. Anyone who will kick ...

This guy is a piece of crap. Anyone who will kick a homeless person out of a donated tiny house so they have somewhere is to sleep is a despicable human being. No person with such lack of compassion for our veterans and mentally ill should be serving in our government. He didn't even allow them to retrieve their clothing or medication or anything of the sort. Then he wants to talk about how these tiny homes aren't the solution to Homelessness. The bells of Irony ringing loudly. A tiny house is not a solution to homelessness?
Well the people decided to do something about it because we know the government is only there to tax the people and to take advantage of it's constituents. The only thing the government does is move the homeless from one section of town to another.
How do they even have the nerve to say those tiny homes aren't safe. They are much safer than sleeping in a tent or on the floor with nothing to protect them from the rain, being mugged, robbed, raped, or anything else. Our governments are showing us where their hearts are. And society is so caught up with this stupid gay agenda that it won't stop one second to address other more important issues, like homelessness, and the rise of poverty. Curren D. (wonder what the D stands for) Price, (the price of selling out your soul and your people) should never have been elected and should never be re-elected. If you care about human beings remember his name and share what he has done to the homeless with everyone you know.
We cannot have soulless people like this in our Government and probably shouldn't even be in our society. If you don't have compassion for the weakest people in society who don't have a voice or a platform , and many of whom are veterans, then who could he possibly care about? The only people Price $$$ can care about are the special interest that are lining his pockets. Vote no on Price now and always. We cannot afford the price of having such "leaders".

4 years ago

Attn Councilman Curren Price.

Attn Councilman Curren Price.
Attn: Nora Gutierrez

I have a very big problem for my business on 2817 S Hill Street, Los Angeles CA 90007: some armed drug addicts have built a camp in front of my business entrance, threatening clients with blades etc.. (plus a prostitute doing tricks..).
Now clients are scared to come, foot traffic dropped drastically last month. There are rats, disgusting waste, etc: we now need to keep the metal gate locked at all times, clients have to call to get in... Action needs to be taken immediately.

Raphael Guien
Owner Ortu Traders LLC

4 years ago

A self-serving career politician

A self-serving career politician
devoid of conscience.
He should be tried for crimes against humanity.
He's a good example of why political offices should require comprehensive psych evals, before someone is even allowed to run for an office.

Office of Councilmember Curren D. Price, Jr.

Office of Councilmember Curren D. Price, Jr.
