Reviews 10
Most recent
3 years ago

Figured I'd give a quick review. I've worked for m...

Figured I'd give a quick review. I've worked for many call centers and I thought this would be like them. Netfor is unlike anywhere I've ever worked, this can be both a good thing and bad thing depending on where your expectations are. I've been here for three years going on four and the company continues to change often. We take risks and aren't afraid to try new things which may seem like a risk to others but for me it keeps us on our toes. Upper management all has their strengths and weaknesses that lend to our continued success as well as our talented and dedicated middle managers. Our agents work equally as hard to help make Netfor what it is. Our CEO and Founder isn't the most chatty person but I don't fault him for that, he's there when we need him and does a good job at being a leader, not your friend. Without Netfor I think of where I could have ended up since the company I worked at for two weeks prior to this filed for bankruptcy. As I enter into an exciting chapter of my life and home ownership is now a reality I can't help but be ever grateful and proud to be part of a company that helped make that a reality. You all have no idea how much you've changed my life both personally and professionally. A sincere from the bottom of my heart thank you to Netfor and everyone that makes this job possible and thank you to those who believed in me.