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About MERCY Malaysia

MERCY Malaysia: Providing Medical Relief and Sustainable Health-Related Activities for Vulnerable Communities

MERCY Malaysia is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been providing medical relief, sustainable health-related activities, and risk reduction programs to vulnerable communities since 1999. The organization was established in response to the Kosovo crisis, where Malaysian medical professionals volunteered their services to provide aid to the affected population. Since then, MERCY Malaysia has expanded its operations globally and has provided assistance in more than 30 countries.

The mission of MERCY Malaysia is to provide humanitarian aid and support to those affected by natural disasters, conflicts, or poverty. The organization aims to improve access to healthcare services for vulnerable communities by providing medical relief and sustainable health-related activities. MERCY Malaysia also focuses on disaster risk reduction programs that help communities prepare for potential disasters.

One of the key strengths of MERCY Malaysia is its team of dedicated volunteers who are committed to making a difference in the lives of others. The organization has a pool of over 3,000 volunteers who come from various backgrounds such as doctors, nurses, engineers, social workers, and other professionals. These volunteers work tirelessly on various projects both locally and internationally.

MERCY Malaysia's core areas of focus include:

1) Emergency Response: In times of crisis such as natural disasters or conflicts, MERCY Malaysia provides emergency response services such as search-and-rescue operations; provision of food supplies; water purification systems; temporary shelter; mobile clinics; psychosocial support; and other essential services.

2) Healthcare Services: MERCY Malaysia provides healthcare services through mobile clinics that reach out to underserved communities in remote areas where access to healthcare facilities is limited or non-existent. The organization also conducts health education programs that promote healthy living practices among these communities.

3) Capacity Building: To ensure sustainability in its projects' implementation process', MERCY Malaysia conducts capacity building programs aimed at empowering local communities with knowledge on disaster preparedness measures such as first aid training courses or community-based disaster management training sessions.

4) Advocacy & Research: Through advocacy campaigns aimed at raising awareness about issues affecting vulnerable populations worldwide like climate change effects on human health outcomes', Mercy aims at influencing policy changes towards bettering their lives while conducting research studies aimed at improving service delivery models within their scope'.

Over the years,' Mercy's efforts have been recognized globally through numerous awards including but not limited too'; "The Humanitarian Award" from Islamic Development Bank (IDB), "The ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility Award," "The United Nations Sasakawa Award," among others.'

In conclusion,' Mercy's commitment towards providing humanitarian assistance across borders remains unwavering despite challenges faced along the way.' With an experienced team backed up by passionate volunteers,' they continue working towards achieving their vision - A world where every person has access' quality healthcare regardless' race religion gender identity sexual orientation socio-economic status geographic location'.

MERCY Malaysia

MERCY Malaysia
