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About Mayfair hotels & resorts

MAYFAIR Hotels & Resorts: A Luxurious Getaway Inspired by Nature

If you're looking for a luxurious getaway that's inspired by nature, look no further than MAYFAIR Hotels & Resorts. With ten luxury hotels and beach resorts located throughout North East, Goa, and Eastern India, MAYFAIR offers guests the ultimate in comfort, relaxation, and natural beauty.

Each of the ten properties in the MAYFAIR portfolio is designed to provide guests with an unforgettable experience. From the stunning views of the Himalayas at MAYFAIR Spa Resort & Casino Gangtok to the pristine beaches of Puri at MAYFAIR Waves Beach Resort, every property is unique and offers its own special charm.

One thing that sets MAYFAIR apart from other hotel chains is their commitment to sustainability. The company has implemented a number of eco-friendly practices across all their properties in order to reduce their environmental impact. For example, they use solar power for heating water and have installed rainwater harvesting systems to conserve water.

But it's not just about being environmentally conscious – MAYFAIR also places a strong emphasis on providing exceptional service to their guests. From personalized attention from staff members to top-notch amenities like spas and fitness centers, every aspect of your stay at a MAYFAIR property is designed with your comfort in mind.

Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, there's a perfect property within the MAYFAIR portfolio for you. If you're looking for a romantic getaway with your significant other or simply want some time away from it all on your own, consider booking a stay at one of their beach resorts like the stunningly beautiful Mayfair Palm Beach Resort Gopalpur-on-Sea or Mayfair Heritage Puri which are both located right on some of India's most beautiful beaches.

For those who prefer more urban settings but still want access to natural beauty nearby can choose any one among Mayfair Lagoon Bhubaneswar which boasts 18 acres lush greenery within city limits or Mayfair Convention Bhubaneswar which has sprawling gardens around it making it an oasis amidst hustle-bustle city life.

If adventure is what you seek then head over towards North East India where two properties namely Mayfair Spa Resort & Casino Gangtok (Sikkim)and Mayfair Himalayan Spa Resort Kalimpong (West Bengal) offer breathtaking views along with adventure activities such as trekking/hiking trails through mountains ranges etc..

No matter which property you choose within this chain - whether it be one nestled deep into nature or situated right in heart of bustling cities - rest assured that each will provide an unforgettable experience filled with luxury amenities combined with natural beauty surrounding them!

In conclusion: If you're looking for an escape from everyday life while still enjoying luxurious accommodations surrounded by nature then look no further than booking yourself into any one among these ten magnificent hotels/resorts under "Mayfair Hotels & Resorts" banner!

Mayfair hotels & resorts

Mayfair hotels & resorts
