Lillico Bazuk Kent Galloway

Lillico Bazuk Kent Galloway Review

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3 years ago

I had Peter Lillico prepare a will and update powe...

I had Peter Lillico prepare a will and update powers of attorney (personal care and financial) which I had drawn up with him about 15 years ago. Peter is very thoughtful, intellectual, intensely interested in and knowledgeable about relevant law and best practices, as well as ensuring that his clients understand - in detail - the reasons why they need these documents prepared, the purpose, how they work, how best to formulate them. For a very simple and straightforward case such as mine Peter spent a considerable amount of time, in person, explaining and reviewing everything with me, proposing various hypothetical scenarios and how things would work and why it was important that I have a will even with little to nothing in the way of an "estate" for anyone to inherit. He answered every question, in detail and at length. I don't think any client could ever legitimately later claim that Peter didn't explain things well enough.

Services - as with any lawyer - aren't cheap, but they are standard AND, importantly, Peter puts considerable time into attending to each individual and their unique circumstances. It is worth noting, I think, Peter's personal attention throughout - my being a very simple and straightforward case was not fobbed off onto a para-legal or law student. You are getting personal attention and service from a highly knowledgeable and experienced lawyer who specializes in, among other things, wills, estate planning and powers of attorney. I don't believe you could find a more experienced or knowledgeable estate planning (or real estate - the other main area he practices in) lawyer in Ontario.

Peter's obvious passion and interest in the law, his work/clients, is important to note for another reason also: I am confident that if there was ever a challenge to a will, power of attorney or real estate transaction drawn up by Peter that he would be there, 200%, to fight for you. I would judge Peter to be the type of person who is a perfectionist and who would consider it a professional AND personal affront if his work were challenged, and to serve and protect his client AND to uphold his reputation he'd be there for you.

It is also worth noting that the fee I paid today for preparation of a will and powers of attorney INCLUDES routine regular reviews of these documents, at NO CHARGE, as well as access to consult with Peter should circumstances change or questions arise - again at NO CHARGE. In fact, Peter is adamant that his clients MUST regularly and routinely review their will and powers of attorney with him, as well as contact him should circumstances change. As Peter explained he is, in fact, eager to ensure that his clients are protected, things are up-to-date (both according to individual circumstances as well as changes in relevant law over time), and any client questions or concerns addressed and that the only time there would be additional charges, in general, would be if changes needed to be made to the documents. Often, though, no changes are required ... but if in doubt it is best to have a free consultation with Peter (on the phone or in person) to discuss circumstances and let him, the expert, advise you accordingly.

I will certainly deal with Peter in the future in all areas of law that he practices in - should I have occasion to do so - and should I ever require the services of a lawyer practising in an area of law which Peter does not provide service in I would still wish to consult with Peter first and ask him for a referral to an appropriate specialist. Dealing with a lawyer - in any area of law - shouldn't be done on the basis of a random pick out of the phone book or online search: I'm confident that I'm getting the best representation dealing with Peter, or dealing with a lawyer to which Peter referred me.

3 years ago

Our family had a very positive experience working ...

Our family had a very positive experience working with Peter Lillico for our intergenerational cottage transfer. He has extensive knowledge in this area and is very professional to deal with. He explained our options in clear language and provided various tools (information sheets, worksheets, etc.) to help us further familiarize ourselves with legal concepts and clarify what we collectively wanted to achieve. His responsiveness to follow up questions was also greatly appreciated. We found Peter's services to be of great value and we felt well accompanied during our decision making process for this important family matter. I would certainly recommend him to other families in similar situations.

3 years ago

We worked with Peter Lillico and Peg Galloway on a...

We worked with Peter Lillico and Peg Galloway on a very complicated and fraught PoA and sale of properties. They both handled themselves, and the difficult situation, with the upmost integrity. They were both responsive and understanding and thankfully were able to navigate an intense situation for our family. They are the only lawyers I would work with in this area.

3 years ago

I found Peter Lillico expert on cottage succession...

I found Peter Lillico expert on cottage successions matters. He has published in Cottage Life magazine.His seminar where we were introduced was well done, concise and informative. His work for us after the seminar was very timely and very good value for money.
He acted professionally and courteously throughout the process. I can t think of a suggestion for improvement
We were very glad to have found him as the succession mater had been weighing on our minds for a few years
Thank you Peter

3 years ago

Lillico Bazuk Galloway Halka has taken care of my ...

Lillico Bazuk Galloway Halka has taken care of my family's legal needs for approximately 10 years. I have had the pleasure of having Peter Lillico and Peg Galloway prepare documents for me and the work has been top notch. This firm was recommended by a dear friend and although I live two hours away, I consider them worth the trip. When it comes to legal documents, mistakes can cost significant pain and grief, so attention to detail is crucial and this firm gets it.

4 years ago

Elizabeth halter sided with the other party's lawy...

Elizabeth halter sided with the other party's lawyer so it seems. Elizabeth told me not to worry that it's a final order because final orders can be changed as children get older. Since making the mistake of listening to this lawyers at Vice my life with my child is presently ruined. My daughter is soon to be 6 years old and I only see her 4 days a month. I was told there's no restraining order and I can just simply request extra time with my child I was further told by the lawyer that the rescheduling Clause would be beneficial to accommodate me seeing my daughter with some flexibility as I'm a trucker. Well since that day my axe has had me charged wrongfully for breaching an expired interim order because of asking for extra time with my child. The old CL was involved everyone gave statements no one ever accused me of physical heart. But since I filed a motion to change now my ex and her daughter claiming that I hit them and this is absolutely untrue. Since I filed the motion to change there have been dozens of false accusations of abuse on my five-year-old and at the time she was 3. I must go 15 days without any contact with my child whatsoever no phone calls no nothing nothing. July 2017 false allegations of a sexual nature where made my daughter wasn't taken to a doctor. For 4 days. Then she had her teenager make a false claim of me following her. Then in September police and Cas investigated the first complaint was that she said I spank her child when that didn't work the next day she claimed her face swelled up and had a bruise but again didn't take her to the doctor when police showed up at their house the next day there was no swelling and no bruising again police and Children's Aid told her there was no grounds for any kind of restrictions and that there would be no charges. She then with the help of her scumbag lawyer filed a false emergency motion and perjured herself and her affidavits by putting words into the officers mouth who investigated she put words into the mouth of the cas worker and I have a signed statement from her own family doctor that proves that she put words into the Physicians mouth. All of this has been done in an attempt to alienate me from my child. Then in February 2018 I called Children's Aid cuz I predicted that false allegations were coming the next day. I took my daughter to the hospital for examination and there were no marks on her and genitalia was normal I've been video recorded us leaving the hospital driving directly to the police station. When the mother took our child home she repeated the same allegations from September went back to the hospital and saw the exact same doctor that just examined our daughter 2 hours prior. Again no verification of abuse and no charges laid against her. All of this is being done in an attempt to alienate me from my child and thanks to the incompetence of the lawyer Elizabeth hulka from this firm and advise I'm presently stuck in a court order that I can't get out of and my ex is allowed to do whatever she wants she can break the law she can perjure herself by way of affidavit she can brainwash my child and all of this for what to take our child away from me for no good reason whatsoever. This family lost system is corrupted and so are the lawyers within it they all should be ashamed of themselves destroying innocent people's lives for financial greed absolutely disgusting people do not trust this firm

4 years ago

Thank you so much for your patience and your exper...

Thank you so much for your patience and your expertise at managing to get an agreement that is mutually agreeable to all concerned. Not an easy task at times. I appreciated the various options that you provided to me so that we could move forward with the CSA agreement. I am very happy and pleased with the clearly stated CSA vision statement which will ensure that the cottage property will continue to be a gathering place for future generations of the family.

4 years ago

Lilico ruined my family. Dad, who was grieving mom...

Lilico ruined my family. Dad, who was grieving moms passing and on the verge of a breakdown, was looking for info on a cottage succession plan for his 3 sons. There were already some minor tensions regarding the cottage usage and priviledges, that just needed time and communication to be worked out. Lilico - who we never met as a group, and who I never spoke to - did the entire deal remotely via email - had each of us send him confidential wishlists for the cottages future. Brother 1 (me) wanted to wait, take things slow, mend fences, partner up with whoever was willing...and compromise (if not - sell the cottage to an outsider).
Brother 2 wanted nothing to do with the other two brothers, just wanted the cottage all to himself. Brother 3 was fed up with Brother 2's 'God complex' and just wanted to cash out. In the end, after weeks of no responses and silence, Lilico emailed Dad out of the blue saying he sided with brother 2 and convinced him that his wishes were the direction to take (as opposed to Dad fixing his bloody family first). From there - everything happened extremely quickly, with little to no negotiation amongst all parties. Dad did flip flop several times on whether he was doing the right thing or not, however Brother 2, who lives within 10 mins from him sold his case like a champion. Fast forward two years later and Brother 1 is not on speaking terms with Brother 2 OR their father. Brother 2 is making life at the cottage for Dad, who has a life interest and bedroom at the place - hell. Brother 3, cashed out immediately and left the family. Dad is lonely and heartbroken. Mom is turning in her grave. Thanks for nothing Lilico.

4 years ago

What does any smallish city need? Lawyers! If you'...

What does any smallish city need? Lawyers! If you're getting drunk across the street at 180 and you want to smash some guys face in, we'll now don't! That's right. Just take out a huge amount of money and get lawyers to handle it... Or... Or.... Smash him in the face. Either way you going to have to deal with a lawyer!

4 years ago

Horrible I went there for my divorce when I didn't...

Horrible I went there for my divorce when I didn't do what Elizabeth' Halka wanted she quite and charged me double on some things when I got my bill I seenthe double charges that she had already billed for. Also my last testament and will was double the price as other lawyers I found out. Sent them a letter stating the over charges and certain phone calls made to me from Elizabeth with witnesses to some inappropriate demands and still have not got a response after waiming a monto now. I have asked for my money back as I was not represented with my interests as they should ha e been. I would not recommend this firm at all. All they care about is themselves not their clients. I find it truly disrespectful that they could not respond to my request, in anyway.

Lillico Bazuk Kent Galloway

Lillico Bazuk Kent Galloway
