Reviews 14
Most recent
4 years ago

This place is amazing. It has a very nice chapel, ...

This place is amazing. It has a very nice chapel, a cottage look interior, and an very kind community. My school did a retreat here and it introduced/taught us many new things. Was very nice to spend a day here and to feel part of the community.

About L'Arche Daybreak

L'Arche Daybreak: Celebrating the Unique Value of Every Person

L'Arche Daybreak is a community that celebrates the unique value of every person and recognizes our need for one another. Founded in 1969, it is the oldest and largest L'Arche community in North America. With eight homes located in Richmond Hill, Ontario, L'Arche Daybreak provides a home and a family to people with intellectual disabilities.

Identity and Mission

At L'Arche Daybreak, they believe that every person has something valuable to offer to society. They celebrate diversity and strive to create an inclusive community where everyone feels welcomed and valued. Their mission is to create a world where people with intellectual disabilities are recognized as full members of society.

Their core values include:

- Belonging: Everyone has the right to belong.
- Growth: Everyone has the potential for growth.
- Sharing life together: We need each other.
- Celebration: Life is meant to be celebrated.

Their approach is based on building relationships between people with intellectual disabilities, their assistants (who provide support), volunteers, staff members, families, friends, and neighbors. By sharing life together in this way, they create a sense of belonging that goes beyond words.

Our History

L'Arche Daybreak was founded by Jean Vanier in 1969. Vanier was inspired by his experiences living with people with intellectual disabilities at an institution near Paris. He saw how these individuals were often isolated from society and wanted to create a place where they could live as part of a community.

Vanier's vision was simple but revolutionary at the time – he believed that everyone had something valuable to offer regardless of their abilities or disabilities. He started by inviting two men with intellectual disabilities – Raphael Simi and Philippe Seux – to live with him in Trosly-Breuil (a small village north of Paris). This marked the beginning of what would become L'Arche International – an organization that now includes over 150 communities worldwide.

In 1973, Vanier visited Canada at the invitation of Father Henri Nouwen (a Dutch Catholic priest who taught at Harvard University). During his visit, he met several families who had children with intellectual disabilities who were living in institutions. Moved by their stories, he decided to start a L'Arche community in Canada.

The first Canadian L’Arche community opened its doors on August 15th ,1974 when four men moved into "The Ark" -a house rented on Bathurst Street just north Toronto’s downtown core . The following year ,the second home opened up nearby . In 1982 ,Day Program began which provided opportunities for those not living within our homes .

Since then,L’ Arches have been established across Canada including Winnipeg,Toronto,Vancouver,Montreal,Saskatoon,Cape Breton Island,Wolfville,Ottawa,and Quebec City .

Our Homes

L’ Arches are places where those we support can call home . Each home accommodates between six-to-eight individuals along side assistants who provide support around-the-clock . These homes are designed so residents can participate fully within them ; cooking meals,cleaning rooms,gardening etc..

Each resident has their own bedroom which they decorate according their own taste; some like posters while others prefer paintings or photographs .

Residents also have access shared spaces such as kitchens,living rooms,dining areas,and gardens which encourage socialization among residents themselves as well as visitors from outside .

Our Programs

At L’ Arches there are various programs available for both residents within our homes as well those outside them :

1)Day Program : This program offers activities such as art classes,music therapy,yoga sessions etc.. It’s open Monday through Friday from nine-to-five pm .
2)Community Outreach : This program aims connect local businesses,schools,and organizations within Richmond Hill area .
3)Spiritual Life : At larche day break spiritual life plays important role ; it offers daily prayers,bible studies,and retreats throughout year .
4)Volunteering Opportunities : Volunteers play vital role here;they help out during events,fundraisers etc..


In conclusion,L’ Arches day break provides safe haven for those seeking sense belongingness,respect,growth opportunities ,and most importantly love . It’s truly remarkable how much impact this organization has made since its inception over fifty years ago;it continues inspire many across globe today !