Reviews 14
Most recent
4 years ago

From 23-05 waiting for a copy of the permission st...

From 23-05 waiting for a copy of the permission statement I and akj called and emailed to a team leader of the Dordrecht branch and on 07-07-17 we were told that she went on holiday yesterday until 02-08 well and now we have to wait until 02: 08-17 but they still do not respond to anything either to akj in Rotterdam.
So a big drama there

4 years ago

Youth West's motto is above all to undermine the b...

Youth West's motto is above all to undermine the best interests of the child. Had 4 different guardians for the child in 2 years. They all knew nothing about the file and did not hear from us until we rang the bell several times. I wonder what kind of training they get here because without special training I have shown that I can do much better. When a child is under OTS and youth care cannot even find the file, when parents do not open the door or respond to emails and bells from youth care, youth care simply leaves it behind. As far as I am concerned, this care can be abolished because children are only becoming more victims of this.

4 years ago

I am also involved in youth protection and I do no...

I am also involved in youth protection and I do not realize what is going on.
My father does not like my mother and my mother does not like me father youth protection sent us to horizon and we are working on it and it really works there they do it for the sake of the child and it wants the parents and we do not just talk do it too activities and after that we talk about how things went (family assignments are things where you need your help from each other) and we also always talk to horizon and the one who helps us with youth protection (erik-jan).
Sometimes we also talk without a horizon and sometimes without Erik-Jan.

4 years ago

A terrible organization. Submitting complaints doe...

A terrible organization. Submitting complaints does not help either. They assess these themselves. Guess what? No good reason to continue the complaints.

We had a child who urgently needed help. He became unmanageable and did not keep any agreements. Unfortunately also a disorder in him that makes him constantly lie and slander others.

Then Mrs. C. O. came and knew what was going on. We would have done it, mainly me, I think this only because I had been very critical of her a few times. (She never had an agenda with her, because she remembered everything anyway. If you took time off to have a conversation, she did not show up. And if you contacted via the app, you would not get anything back.

Trying to get us to sign something under false pretenses. Chasing my wife for papers that should have been returned. With which she had been lax and much too slow. But now that she was told that her papers still had to be handed in, we had to bend in all directions.

And oh yes, she thought it was a good idea that our son went to live with his uncle and aunt, whom we have been arguing with for a few years. She talked to him about that.

Now he is almost 19 and cannot hold on to an education or job. His behavior worsens even more. He makes (mis) use of everyone. He has already moved elsewhere a few times because he does not want to live with normal rules. And everywhere he gets kicked out again after a month or 2 because he makes himself insufferable.

We have so often insisted on psychological help. But always got 0 on our request.

About Jeugdbescherming west

Jeugdbescherming West: Ensuring the Safety of Children in Complex Situations

Jeugdbescherming West is a Dutch organization that is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of children who are facing complex situations. Their mission is simple yet powerful: to keep every child safe, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The organization was founded with the belief that every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment. Unfortunately, not all children have access to such an environment due to various reasons such as abuse, neglect or other forms of maltreatment. Jeugdbescherming West steps in when these situations arise and works tirelessly to ensure that children are protected from harm.

One of the key strengths of Jeugdbescherming West is their team of highly trained professionals who are passionate about their work. They have social workers, psychologists, lawyers and other experts who work together seamlessly to provide comprehensive support for children and families in need.

Their services include:

1) Child protection: This involves investigating reports of abuse or neglect and taking appropriate action to protect the child from further harm.

2) Family support: This involves working with families who may be struggling with issues such as poverty, mental health problems or substance abuse. The aim is to provide them with the necessary support so that they can create a safe and stable home environment for their children.

3) Foster care: In cases where it's not possible for a child to remain with their birth family due to safety concerns, Jeugdbescherming West arranges foster care placements where they can receive love and care from trained foster parents.

4) Adoption: In some cases where it's not possible for a child to return home or be placed in foster care permanently due safety concerns or other reasons like parental rights termination by court order , adoption may be considered as an option if it's deemed best for the child's long-term well-being.

Jeugdbescherming West has been providing these services since its inception over 100 years ago. Over this time period they have developed deep expertise in dealing with complex situations involving vulnerable children. They understand how important it is for each case they handle requires individualized attention because no two cases are alike.

One thing that sets Jeugdbescherming West apart from other organizations offering similar services is their commitment towards innovation . They continuously strive towards improving their processes through research-based practices which helps them stay ahead on trends related on Child welfare sector .

Another strength lies within its partnerships across different sectors including government agencies , non-profit organizations , schools etc.. These collaborations help them reach more people effectively while also sharing knowledge & resources among partners .

In conclusion , Jeugdbescherming west has been at forefront protecting vulnerable Children since last century . With its team of highly skilled professionals & innovative approach towards problem solving makes them one-of-a-kind organization committed towards ensuring every Child remains safe & secure irrespective of circumstances surrounding them .

Jeugdbescherming west

Jeugdbescherming west
