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4 years ago


About IRC/International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian organization that provides emergency aid and long-term assistance to people affected by conflict, natural disasters, and other crises. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC has since helped millions of people around the world rebuild their lives.

The IRC's mission is to help those who have been forced to flee their homes due to war or disaster. The organization works in over 40 countries, providing lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees and other displaced persons. The IRC's programs focus on four key areas: health, education, economic wellbeing, and safety.

One of the most important aspects of the IRC's work is its commitment to providing high-quality healthcare services in some of the world's most challenging environments. From Syria to South Sudan, from Yemen to Afghanistan, the IRC operates hospitals and clinics that provide essential medical care to those who need it most.

In addition to its healthcare programs, the IRC also works tirelessly to ensure that children affected by conflict or displacement have access to education. The organization runs schools and educational programs in refugee camps around the world, helping young people develop skills that will enable them to build better futures for themselves and their families.

Another key area of focus for the IRC is economic wellbeing. Through its livelihoods programs, the organization helps refugees start businesses or find employment opportunities so they can support themselves financially. This not only helps individuals become more self-sufficient but also contributes positively towards local economies.

Finally, safety is a top priority for all those involved with this humanitarian organization. The IRC provides protection services for vulnerable populations such as women and children who are at risk of violence or exploitation during times of crisis.

If you're interested in supporting this vital work done by International Rescue Committee (IRC), there are many ways you can get involved! You can donate money directly through their website or volunteer your time as an advocate or fundraiser on behalf of refugees worldwide.

In conclusion: With over 80 years' experience responding quickly when disaster strikes anywhere around our globe - whether it be natural disasters like earthquakes & hurricanes; conflicts such as civil wars & terrorism; epidemics like Ebola - International Rescue Committee (IRC) has become one among few organizations globally known for delivering lifesaving aid where it’s needed most while also working towards long-term solutions aimed at rebuilding communities after crisis situations end!

IRC/International Rescue Committee

IRC/International Rescue Committee