Reviews 259 Page 3 of 3
Most recent
4 years ago

Would not go there for any care. Was told that I w...

Would not go there for any care. Was told that I would have someone to to help with after care. Had no notice of discharge. Had 2hour before they would being sent to homeless shelter. Would like to see this place. Do Not Go There.

4 years ago

My wifes been here for two day going on three and ...

My wifes been here for two day going on three and they cant figure out whats going on with her. This is her first time being hospitalized and I ll be dam i lose her because of incompetence. She has gotten worse over the course of being here! From giving her antibiotics she had a severe allergic reaction to only to figure this out after a few bags That went in her! She has never took or needed any medication and I m afraid they are just messing her up. Someone needs to check into This asap! Day 3 she should be on the road to recovery not recovery from treatment!

4 years ago

Very disappointed in their care of my mother and f...

Very disappointed in their care of my mother and father. You have to hunt down nurses to ask for care for the patients. If no one is with the patient then they just don't receive any care. My mother fell getting out of bed overnight after hip surgery because the rails weren't all up on her bed.

4 years ago

Came in for a 8 o clock imaging appointment and th...

Came in for a 8 o clock imaging appointment and the help desk clerk picked up the phone and told the techs to put me towards the back. Shocked that she said this, I asked her why would she do that and she told me that I should have come 30 min early. Upset that no-one told me this I told her that if someone could call me at 9:30 at night to notify me of my payment amount the least that they could do was tell me to be 30 min early. 45 min later ,I was called back. The techs were professional and nice.

4 years ago

Worst experience with billing that I've ever had. ...

Worst experience with billing that I've ever had. I don't usually leave bad reviews but I was told that I could pay a certain amount for a surgery I had back in March and I have been doing that consistently for months. Today I got a call from a rep that my account was past due and being sent for collections if not paid in full by the end of the week. I was told I was not eligible for financial assistance even after I had a payment plan set up with them on another previous visit. Luckily, I had the means to pay for it today. I don't appreciate being threatened with this hitting my credit as bad debt (even if that was a BS threat) after I was given bad information by your reps. You have lost my business and I will be finding another doctor to see in the future. Do yourself a favor and find another hospital. I do not want to be contacted by anyone.

4 years ago

First off i do like their services but one day whe...

First off i do like their services but one day when i came to the emergency room i told them i was pregnant and having pains.. The lady at the front desk had asked me how far along i was.. When i told her i was 23 weeks she rudely told me that i was in the wrong place and that i had to go to the womens center and that she would call down a nurse to take me there.. When the nurse gpt there she put me in a wheelchair and pushed me to the elevator.. When we got there it all seemed to be normal until we got "stuck" on the rehabilitation floor.. She said that the elevator was malfunctioning and she was trying as hard as she could to get us to the womens center.. I was calm and sat there and my mother had mentioned that we shpuld just take the stairs.. For some reason the nurse had said that the emergency stairs doors were locked.. We were waiting patiently and i started to get irritated.. I turned around towards the lady and said "look im tired of sitting here and i would like to find out what exactly is wrong with me so can we please go??" she said "just a moment im trying to get ahold of someone." My mother had walked over beside her and looked at what she was doing on her phone and she was on Facebook scrolling through her news feed.. My mother said "look lady my daughter is in pain and we would love to make it to the center before she gets worse." The lady finally had gotten off her phone nd took us to where we needed to be.. Then during the Triage the woman that was having me fill out my paper work was completely rude and didnt help my experience that night.. I didnt exactly know how to fill out the paper work and she seemed to get frualstrated.. I then reminded her that i was only 15 and it was only my first child so i didnt kno exactly what to do.. She looked at me with suck hatred in her eyes i just wanted to get up and leave.. My mother walks in with my insurance card and my student ID like she had asked for and then she had told my mom that it was my responsibility to have these things when i arrived..

4 years ago

Don't have a family member stay with you. They wi...

Don't have a family member stay with you. They will starve them to death. I've been here with my boyfriend for 2 days with no way to go get anything. And I have eaten 1 ham sandwich, and snacks from the vending machine. I've asked over an over about getting a guest tray with and I get one excuse after another. Oh, the computer messed up, they sent it to a different room, I'll check on it. Well it's super time for my boyfriend and I'm heading to the vending machine again.

4 years ago

KILLERCREST. The ER nurse ratchet with the shots s...

KILLERCREST. The ER nurse ratchet with the shots she gave me almost put me in a Diabetic coma. My sugar was low. I was ok but, I was told to go to ER there by a forensic nurse and I get in my room and tell them the situation. I tell a couple nuses that the forensic nurse told me that she was going to call the nurses there and give them report about me before I get there. I tell them that and they look at me like I didnt know what I was talking about and didnt say to me yes or no if she called them before I got there. I still dont know if the nurses knew my medical history from the forensic nurse on knowledge how to treat me or not. I'm like oh God, here we go again. The forensic nurse must of lied but I'm not sure and the reason I go to Hillcrrest is because the forensic nuse said so and I had already been treated like an animal at St. John's. Anyway, I show her my papers from St. John's. and so, she gets my emergency info. She was aware that I had a concussion. Another lady comes in and from behind so I could not see her says I got a couple of shots and I say-And what are these for? She says pain.....and to help you relax. I'm in there to get my neck looked at. Xrayed. So, thank GOD I get back to xray before the shots kick in. Do you know I could of died even after the nurse knew I already had a bad concussion? And from my sugar bottoming So, I sleep for a little while and when I got up I called the nurse and I told her I have to go that my garage door is broke and I had just got a protective order against someone. I got there at about 2:30pm. Left at 7pm. and right before I left she gives me my papers and says xrays were fine. Like wth? Why couldnt you just do the right thing and get me back there, do my xrays, tell me the results and discharge me? Not all this shot happy stuff. For starters, I know what those shots are all about. I'm very aware of what they do to you and I was NOT aggressive to anybody at Hillcrest so, that was very uncalled for and down right wrong on your part. I've had those shots before where I have blacked out for hours and sometimes days because of them. They use those shots on people as a form of punishment. It's not a kind, humane kind of thing to do this. I was told that Hillcrest loves to sedate people. I would of liked to say no on the antipsychotic because I already took my meds and maybe after the xrays could of seen if I needed anything for pain. Not before the xrays because thank GOD I didnt pass out during xray and when she got me back to my bed. Either way. The staff knew or should have known that I was a Diabetic before nurse ratchet gave me those shots and my sugar was low and the shots did sedate me and there again I almost went into another Diabetic coma because of getting sedated over and over with numerous shots. Like killer nurse is literally true in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And by the way, the lady that wheeled me to xray and did my xrays was very nice. Probably the nicest one I came in contact with. It seemed she was so nice that she was scared in to being a nice person or maybe she just felt sorry for me. Now my head is all messed up from that. It gave me nightmares and that is not good on my PTSD. Which was one of many concerns I had about it. I guess you dont take enough time to get to know the patient and just get the information about their medical history? Like follow protocol. And they didnt ask if I had an advance directive or nothing. Maybe they thought that I was am easy target to try to hurt me intentionally medically because I am a single person and all they knew was the situation what put me in there and not any medical history or how to treat ANY patients with compassion. I pray you all can get it right and just like St. John's also. THEY ALSO TOOK MY BABY AWAY FROM ME IN 1994. TULSA HOSPITALS ARE A JOKE. INSTEAD OF THESE DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS AND CLINICS TRYING TO HELP WOMEN WITH THEIR BABIES, THEY TAKE THEM AWAY FROM THEM SO THEY CAN MAKE A BUCK.

4 years ago

After being transferred to Hillcrest, we met my hu...

After being transferred to Hillcrest, we met my husband's Nurse and got settled in. 4 1/2 hours later, my husband had not received meds, food, labs, or a visit from a doctor. I went to find the nurse only to find out that she, nor anyone else, had confirmed with his surgeon or the staff doctor that he had arrived. There were Zero Proactive actions taken by the staff to begin my husband's care. We paged the surgeon ourselves and after having a pointed conversation with the nurse, she paged the staff doctor. The surgeon called and ordered pain meds and food ASAP. I spoke with the Nurse again after she had spoken with our surgeon and she said that she was putting the orders in right then. Fifteen minutes later, I spoke with the Charge Nurse, then spoke to our Nurse again - Only To Hear, "I'm putting the prescription in right now." REALLY?!? I believed her the 1st time, but this time I had another very pointed discussion with the Charge Nurse about the service we were receiving. No person should have to sit in a hospital bed and have a nursing staff not seek out, or question why, a patient has no orders. We will not go back.
I also took pictures of the Ice/Water machine because it was absolutely disgusting.

4 years ago

Rude. Unhelpful. Had to leave and go to st John's ...

Rude. Unhelpful. Had to leave and go to st John's where I was actually given tests and medication. Vs here where the doctor told me what he "thought" it wasafter running ZERO tests except a pregnancy test. He told me he thought it was the flu...except he never gave me a flu test and I actually had lung inflammation and pneumonia. Idiot.

4 years ago

I'm only giving one star because that is the lowes...

I'm only giving one star because that is the lowest possible rating. My father is a patient at this hospital. My brother is the only one who can visit because of the pandemic. My father soiled the bed and my brother asked everyone he could find to change the linen. It took them an hour and a half close to two hours before anyone changed it. He even had to eat his diner in that condition.
Two specifc nurses katy and neeriemer

4 years ago

So, came into the ER for gallbladder problems. Was...

So, came into the ER for gallbladder problems. Was given medicine and doing great after a few hours, physically. Tried resting/sleeping but the EKG/EEG would alarm when I tried sleeping. My HR runs low normally and apparently they can't silence the machine. I was literally just sitting waiting for Drs and it's screaming in my ear non-stop unless I make my HR go up by moving around. It took 3 calls to the nurse station spread out over several hours to get any assistance with the machine. I don't want to be a nuisance, but sleep would be great. The other problem I had, the bigger problem, is I called the nurse station asking to use the restroom. I'm attached to the EEG and O2 monitor and can barely move. I didn't want the machine going bonkers so I asked for help. No one showed up for 20 mins. Another Dr came in unrelated to the call and helped. The doctors don't seem to talk to each other. They aren't aware who is coming in and checking on me. She didn't even know another Dr's name.. Stuck in the ER bed 11pm-11am no room, no help, can't sleep and I can hear workers joking and laughing at the nurses station. Very disappointed with my visit. This review is still in progress. This is absolutely the worst service I've had at a hospital.

4 years ago

These people are beyond unprofessional, not only d...

These people are beyond unprofessional, not only did they try to bill us nursery care for a baby that died during delivery, today, over a year later they just sent us another new bill. I'm terribly sorry but if you cannot even staff your billing department with competent individuals, I am forced to wounder about exactly how incompetent your medical staff is.

4 years ago

While Hillcrest seems to get low reviews, a lot of...

While Hillcrest seems to get low reviews, a lot of it is due to patients not understanding or realizing how much INSURANCE COMPANIES control our care. But a recent stay by a loved one was appalling to me in that "little" things--like food trays setting in rooms for extended periods, inability to get answers from nurse's station, ice/water checked regularly--are sorely lacking. SECONDLY: If "tax-time" discounts are available, WHY ARE THEY NOT GIVEN TO PATIENTS WHO USE A CREDIT CARD AT THE TIME OF A PROCEDURE, TO RECEIVE THE SO-CALLED DISCOUNT? I recently paid a rather large account to take advantage of the discount. When later that same week we had a procedure in which we had to pay over $300 out of our pocket, we did not get any discount! Makes no sense to me: if discounts are being offered for payment, it should also be given at the time services are given. WHY CAN WE NOT GET THE DISCOUNT THEN?

4 years ago

If you want your family members to wait 2 hours be...

If you want your family members to wait 2 hours before getting pain meds after an accident, not getting all the tests that protocol says, being put on hold for 30+ minutes multiple times when calling for an update, and having them place blame on others for why they don't check a red blinking light on their phone system, then this is the place for you.

4 years ago

We had a same day out patient procedure at the hea...

We had a same day out patient procedure at the heart building downtown. Please arrive at 5:30
Once there and confused. We were informed they don't turn the elevators on UNTIL 6am. So we sat for half hour before we could even go up. Once we arrived the 1 person checking people in and going through all the info etc that was already done before we got there because it was so important to do before we got there. So another 45 minutes waiting on her for our 5:30am appointment. Just unprofessional.

4 years ago

My husband had open heart surgery, shout-out to Dr...

My husband had open heart surgery, shout-out to Dr Tharakan and his team as well as all the staff at Hillcrest, everyone was so amazing. They were on top of everything he needed. They did an excellent job at repairing a quadruple by-pass. He was up and going the next day (slowly, of course). My husband had surgery on a Tuesday by Sunday, he was ready to go, (and if he wasn t they would have made sure he stayed). His wounds are healing perfect. Thanks to All the Wonderful friends and family that prayed for my husband, I realize that s where it all lies with God and guiding these wonderful people. We had the Rock-Star of a surgeon and his team, all amazing. Before his surgery, the nurses and doctors came to talk with my husband and family to explain what exactly was going to happen. They kept me updated every hour to hour and half and when it was over Dr Tharakan came out and explained how the procedure went. It s amazing they save lives everyday. They were Amazing and helpful. Also a big Thank You to Hospitality House, just across the street, that prayed for my family and gave us a nice apartment to stay and feed us dinner every night. I had my grandbabies with me and they had gift bags with toys and art supplies, that kept them busy for hours. For such a traumatic event, they made it as smooth as possible. Thanks so much that I get to continue to make more wonderful memories with my husband of 33 years.

4 years ago

Only gets 1 star because the doctor was nice,but o...

Only gets 1 star because the doctor was nice,but other than that avoid this place like the plague. Staff was horrible,non-existent,untrained with equipment and only cared about talking and hanging out with each other. I had to take my mother to the bathroom Everytime and unplug her IV because they would never come when paged even though she was a fall risk. I stayed there with her for 2 days and was disgusted by there technicians. I could go on but you get the point... Never again will I allow anyone I know to go there.

4 years ago

Only giving it a star because i have to just to wr...

Only giving it a star because i have to just to write a review. I was born here i had my son here. I have grown up going here all the time but never like the last five year has the ER be so horrible. No one seems to want to be working. All in a bad mood with you. I havent made it to a actually room in some time. I have just showed up leaving after 6-8 hours of waiting. No one would be there for 2 hours and you see nurses and some Drs. talking and laughing in the back. I understand i might have some bills need to be paid but that doesnt mean when you get attacked and bite you should wait 2 hours to get called back. get your blood pressure to wait another 5 hours. Keep gettting told your name is next and your name never gets called. Up there for 7 hours with the same 2 people who where waiting when i got there. One woman showed up and let us know she left went to court came backk and still nothing. Last time i got to finally make it to a room after waiting 6 hours with bruised ribs was before my son was born so coming on three years. When finally got to a back room There was NO ONE in any room down the hall. I seen so many people laughing and joking at the desk. I set in that room so long i went pee three times. The gave me an xray made me set for about 2 more hours then told me i was good as soon as they got my papers. I waited about 1 1/2-2 more hours for my release papers and i actually got a sorry that time. I left with nothig. they gave me nothing for it. I gave up went to southcrest and they got me back in one hour xrayed me checked out my breathing did a whole check up. I left with inhalers, liquid pain killers, antibiotic to help me heal. my left side had 4 bruised ribs. Why it hurt to freaking breathe. I was in and out in few hours in a fourth of the time it took me at hillcrest. I will never return to you for any reason. your a horrible hospitality.

4 years ago

This is the 2nd time I have been in the E.R. 1st t...

This is the 2nd time I have been in the E.R. 1st time I brought my mother and we waited 3 hrs. Before being seen and at that same time their were homeless people laying on the floors and sleeping in chairs . Made me and my mom very uncomfortable being in there. I had to tell the nurse their that so we could be seen. And i was there today with my brother. He checked in sat there 2 hrs name never called. They didn't even put him in computer so we left. And homeless in there to asleep again. Very un professional.

4 years ago

Google you asked if I wanted to rate this place......

Google you asked if I wanted to rate this place... I sat in the ER waiting room for 11 hours last night and 16+ hours total in the ER area. They never told me anything and people were getting in and out within the time I was there (registration to discharge). Then, because of my anxiety I didnt give my more "severe" reason for coming until an hour in to being there (yeah that ones on me). Finally get called back to a hall bed after requesting to talk to a charge nurse or supervisor or someone in charge. While in the hall bed, not one nurse introduced themselves or came to me without me calling them over. Had to wait over an hour after the 3rd doctor seen me to get something for my anxiety.

I feel I would have been better just staying at home because, all they did was mess up my medicine and tell me to schedule a follow up with a doctor I dont use anymore... after I told them know I see outpatient.

Ps, with your automated message thing... I already tried to call you guys and left a voicemail.

4 years ago

They messed up my husband's account by $1200 and t...

They messed up my husband's account by $1200 and they state that it will take 90 days to straighten out. This is after BCBS and I have made repeated calls to the billing department. While waiting for this to be taken care of they misplaced a payment that I made on my account. Their billing department is doing a horrible job.

4 years ago

Horrible care, dirty & no one there cares to help,...

Horrible care, dirty & no one there cares to help, they make you feel like a big inconvenience. Tell you they ll help you & don t follow through! Told my sister they d help her with insurance & see a specialist. , they kept her 2 days & kicked her out for no insurance, no medication, no referrals or any help at all. She Went to St Francis 2 days later due to being so deathly sick & they admitted her immediately & are helping her file for disability, insurance & helping pay all her hospital bills! Her health is so bad she should of never been sent home from Hillcrest & any decent hospital should of helped her like ST Francis is now. I wouldn t recommend this place for anyone!

4 years ago

My nursing staff was amazing but anytime I had to ...

My nursing staff was amazing but anytime I had to deal with a nurse that was not my daughters they were rude as hell. The reception ladies need to work on their manners. Then this place calls you and provides me with no way too return the call. Thank you hilcrest I'll just worry about my newborns health the rest of the night

4 years ago

The wait time in the ER is ridiculous! I came here...

The wait time in the ER is ridiculous! I came here with extreme pelvic pain but am still sitting here waiting to be seen! Poor poor service! I guess you have to be practically dying for anyone to care! Oh wait, someone did die while sitting in this exact waiting room waiting to be seen! Sad. They really need to figure out a better system around here.

4 years ago

You know I was very impressed @ the beginning. The...

You know I was very impressed @ the beginning. The young er doctor diagnosed my son's brain bleed when another hospital (Hastings) in tahlequah sent him home w nothing. We've seen some great drs as far as that goes. But the overall care has been less than stellar. I'm trying to consider the covid19 factor in all this because they've been super busy but we've been in the er for almost 40 hrs! Now I'm not sure why we haven't gotten a room because others have. My son's condition has improved but just because of rest & perhaps some meds they've given him. Otherwise we've just sat in the room (of course it's sunday) w nothing. Their motto, "changing lives for the better, together." Hmm makes you wonder! Ok need to update my review. I must say Monday has been much better than Sunday. We're still waiting on a room but they've been busy. If I could give the drs a ranking & then the staff, I'd give the drs, PA, speech/lang paths, occ paths, neurology dept a 5 star review! They've all been wonderful, extremely kind, informative, polite & professional! Special kudos to Dr. Blake Little! He's the dr that ordered the CT scan after LISTENING to my son's symptoms!

4 years ago

I was in there a few months ago and I was hateful ...

I was in there a few months ago and I was hateful and the where very nice to me I am surprised that the didn't kick me out I been operator on every hospital in Tulsa Oklahoma and the where the best hospital I have been in would go to no other hospital but Hillcrest

4 years ago

Billing nightmare. They kept telling me the Dr. of...

Billing nightmare. They kept telling me the Dr. office had submitted the wrong paperwork to insurance. After 5 months of insurance denials (after a pre-approval for the breast mri), and 30 calls later, it was determined the mistake was Hillcrests.

Insurance kept rejecting back to Hillcrest, and they would rebill identically. 30 days later it would be rejected. They would again, rebill identically without double checking any paperwork.

What a waste of hours for staff at my breast specialists office, myself, and BCBS staff.

Edit: Bonnie, I sent you an email and am awaiting a response.

Edit 2: I am collecting information on billing problems from this location. Please contact me at if you have any information you think I would find helpful.

4 years ago

My mother was treated at Hillcrest hospital throug...

My mother was treated at Hillcrest hospital through the ER to ICU and then to a med surg floor. All in all she was that for 1 month and she received excellent care, especially in ER and ICU. She has been to the two other hospitals before and Hillcrest main is by far her favorite for the food and quality of care as well as caring staff.

4 years ago

Very crappy people, terrible care, billing departm...

Very crappy people, terrible care, billing department is full of idiots and uncaring people. i would not let this facility wipe my dogs butt. I prefer to have this place known as DeathCrest Hospital

4 years ago

The ER staff was very friendly and professional bu...

The ER staff was very friendly and professional but it took an extremely long time to be put in an exam room. Came in with chest pain/pressure and it was almost 5 hours to get in a room and the doctor still hasn't been in.
Also, the facility is freezing cold!!! Everyone in the waiting room is covered up in hospital blankets, including my husband and myself, and we're still cold!

4 years ago

What a great business idea, treat medicine like a ...

What a great business idea, treat medicine like a resource for the well to do or thoes with insurance and I have been trying to get insurance for me and I have been stuck without any insurance for me right now, it is so tough getting insurance sucked for me I will have to sell my body to get any or so it would seem. I think that Walmart does have insurance for the employee's so I guess now I need a job at walmart. How hard could working at walmart be? I think that would be a big question for you Google. You know Hillcrest medical center of Tulsa was Johny on the spot they came through with medical relief for me when I needed it just like big business and the possibility of getting insurance insanely overwhelmed by the increase in the sick from the healthy people's who decides that we can get together for a insurance meeting tomorrow. Hillcrest is quality medicine for the money I like it second to none.

4 years ago

They are awesome they rock the Er staff and 6th fl...

They are awesome they rock the Er staff and 6th floor wish I could give them a 100 they were caring and kind and very professional I would recommend this hospital to all the best on TUlsa ok love you guys for my hospital stay you guys keep doing what you are doing way to go shout to the cleaning crew for my roo
m love the dedication. It's a diamond shout out to 6th floor Jenny JAmie kandace Amber Dr Fischer you guys are the greatest

4 years ago

My wife had our daughter here, and it wasnt the be...

My wife had our daughter here, and it wasnt the best experience. The nurses broke her bag to early and she and my daughter caught an infection. Then they gave her an epidural and orchid nothing for her, she felt every pain. She was in labor for so long, kept telling them the baby was ready and they told her no, said she didn't know what she was talking about, that she got the epidural and can't feel anything. My friend came in and checked on her, hast go to the nurses station where they were sitting and laughing. We will never go to Hillcrest again. Worst experience of my life.

4 years ago

If I could rate this horrible excuse for a hospita...

If I could rate this horrible excuse for a hospital at a -100 I would. My grandmother has continued to deteriorate before our eyes. One tech injured my grandmother to the point an X-ray had to be done. All the while a nurse verbally abused my grandmother. I can't help but wonder how a hospital lets someone get dehydrated? It's a hospital! Keep your loved ones away from this place. I have already contacted our family attorney!!!!

4 years ago

If it wasn't for the surgeons working at this hosp...

If it wasn't for the surgeons working at this hospital not only would I be dead but I wouldn't be able to walk. It's been a long road but after going under 5 times and having even more specific procedures done on me I am on the road to living life again. I was shot blocks from this hospital and left for dead and after my friend rushed me to the ER they quickly got me into the operating room and worked their magic. Not in a great neighborhood but they are an amazing GSW facility.

Hillcrest Medical Center

Hillcrest Medical Center
