Reviews 9
Most recent
3 years ago

I owe much of my success to the experience(Academi...

I owe much of my success to the experience(Academics, athletics, the commute, and the people) of Gonzaga. To know Gonzaga is to LOVE Gonzaga.

Advice for prospective students and parents: If you're interested in attending, be sure to trial the student for a day program as both my brother and I found it helpful in selecting a high school.

It is pronounced Gon-ZAG-ah not Gon-ZOG-uh (The yuppies have somehow proliferated this pronunciation throughout the metro area... stop that.)

The school does an excellent job of offering aid programs for families. The education was worth every penny as evidenced by the opportunity cost of writing this review. - Michael Tam, Class of 2002.

4 years ago


About Gonzaga college high school

Gonzaga College High School: A Legacy of Excellence in Jesuit Education

Gonzaga College High School is a Catholic all-boys high school located in Washington, DC. The school has been educating young men in the Jesuit tradition since 1821 and has established itself as one of the premier educational institutions in the country.

The Gonzaga experience is built on a foundation of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and personal development. The school's rigorous curriculum challenges students to think critically and creatively while preparing them for success in college and beyond.

Academic Programs

At Gonzaga, students have access to a wide range of academic programs designed to meet their individual needs and interests. The school offers honors and advanced placement courses across all disciplines, as well as specialized programs such as engineering, business, law studies, and global studies.

In addition to traditional classroom instruction, Gonzaga also provides opportunities for experiential learning through internships, service projects, research initiatives, and study abroad programs. These experiences help students develop real-world skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Spiritual Formation

As a Catholic institution rooted in the Jesuit tradition, Gonzaga places great emphasis on spiritual formation. Students are encouraged to explore their faith through prayer services, retreats, liturgies, and other activities that promote reflection and contemplation.

The school's Campus Ministry program provides opportunities for students to engage with their faith community both on campus and beyond. Through service projects with local organizations such as Habitat for Humanity or tutoring at nearby schools or homeless shelters; they learn about social justice issues while putting their faith into action.

Personal Development

At Gonzaga College High School; personal development is an integral part of the educational experience. Students are challenged not only academically but also socially-emotionally by participating in extracurricular activities like athletics or clubs which help them develop leadership skills; teamwork abilities; communication skills among others that will be useful throughout life after graduation from high school.

The school offers over 70 clubs ranging from robotics club to debate team which allows every student an opportunity to find something they enjoy doing outside of class time while developing new friendships along the way!


Gonzaga has a long-standing tradition of excellence when it comes to athletics. The Eagles compete at the highest level across multiple sports including football; basketball; baseball; soccer among others with many alumni going on play professionally after graduating from college!

The athletic program emphasizes not only physical fitness but also character development through teamwork discipline hard work perseverance among other values that are essential for success both on-and-off-the-field/court/track etcetera!

Community Engagement

Gonzaga College High School is committed to serving its community both locally & globally! Through various outreach initiatives like food drives or fundraising events organized by student-led groups such as Key Club National Honor Society etcetera -students learn about social responsibility while making positive contributions towards society at large!


In conclusion,Gonzaga College High School is more than just an educational institution – it’s a community where young men can grow intellectually spiritually personally & athletically! With its commitment towards academic excellence spiritual formation personal development athletics & community engagement- this institution continues its legacy of providing quality education rooted deeply within Jesuit values since 1821!

Gonzaga college high school

Gonzaga college high school
