Reviews 55
Most recent
3 years ago

This Place is great to catch a flight :) that was...

This Place is great to catch a flight :) that was the punch line. but no really. besides the long walk to the plane it beats a traditional airport bye far. no crowd, no weirdos and very intimate. we caught a helicopter ride from here to orange county just for fun.

3 years ago

A very nice small airport with a great community, ...

A very nice small airport with a great community, with flight schools, repair centers, a pilot shop, museum, showroom, and other local businesses. There's a nice outdoor observation deck where anyone can come and watch aircraft take off and land while listening to the tower. There are also flight clubs and the Ninety-Nines based there. Santa Monica Airport, originally Clover Field, has a lot of history, much of which can be learned by visiting.

3 years ago

The best airport ever! I love the history of the a...

The best airport ever! I love the history of the airport which you can know more about it at the Museum Of Flying. I'm not a pilot and never had the interest until I moved here. I even had a fear of flying but meeting pilots and hearing their stories made me feel confident to fly.
Thank you Santa Monica Airport. <3

4 years ago

I am pleased that the airport is closing. I lived ...

I am pleased that the airport is closing. I lived a few blocks away for 20 years and eventually moved away because of the noise pollution and the coating of black soot covering everything in the backyard. I knew that the airport was there when I purchased the property and I accepted the noise for years. But here's the problem that people who don't live there but like to fly in and out don't realize -- the world changed. Santa Monica is no longer a sleepy little town. The town grew and many more homes were built and the airport grew too, which is to be expected. But the volume of air traffic reached a point that it was impossible to watch tv or have a backyard party without some plane barreling overhead every few minutes. It would be reasonable to expect that the airport would grow, but it is not reasonable to accept the enormity of the change that occurred. Over the years, substantially more jets took off from the airport, especially after 9/11. It became a place for celebrities to avoid the hassles of LAX and also ignore the problems created for the neighbors. Despite the restrictions on noise, many pilots ignored them. And when the city banned a pilot for exceeding the noise level, the company would simply switch in another pilot. And when the city issued fines, many companies paid it and continued to violate the policy because the fine was a minimal cost of doing business. Planes were not allowed to take off at night, but they did anyway. So it became a classic growth problem and something had to change. For example, if a homeowner buys a home on a two-lane highway that becomes a freeway, there is a legitimate issue. Growth is expected but not to that level and it behooves the city to consider its residents first. What can the city do? In the case of Santa Monica, the city cannot relocate thousands of residents. Just because the airport existed in earlier days does not mean that it has a right to exist there forever. Just because someone has a business there does not mean that the business has a right to exist forever in that spot. Just because it's convenient for celebrities and small plane enthusiasts to use the airport does not outweigh the greater needs of thousands of residents. It's a balancing act. When an airport grows so exponentially in an area that has also grown exponentially with residents, the city must resolve the problem. And the city has more of a responsibility to residents than it does to the handful of business owners who wish to operate a business that is now located in a densely populated area. And the city also has more of a responsibility to residents than it does to nonresidents who wish to fly in and out of an airport that is now located in a densely populated area. The land belongs to the city and its residents. As a public policy issue, the airport became a liability for the city because the noise and jet fuel pollution negatively impacted the quality of life in the city. A compromise would be to create a nearby helipad for medical evacuations. Other airport needs could be fulfilled via LAX or other small and large airports around the Los Angeles area. The homes of residents cannot be moved, but the air traffic can be rerouted to other airports. It won't be as convenient, but in terms of balancing interests, the interests of the city and its residents are paramount to celebrities, a handful of business owners and recreational pilots, and the plethora of nonresidents finding it convenient to use the airport. I won't be back to this site because I don't wish to read the ad hominem attacks that my opinion will surely generate in these divisive times. My hope is that some of the people reading this post will understand how it felt to many residents. It's not that simple to just say that someone should move if they don't like it. People invest in their homes and perhaps can't afford to move. And such statements ignore the precept that a city must decide for itself what is in its best interests and that others must respect the city's right to do so.

4 years ago

I work close with some city officials and the city...

I work close with some city officials and the city is actually secretly getting underground funding to fight the FAA and by any means starv this airport of life. There was even a secret meeting at one of the official's house's to talk about a possible "Meigs" field repeat. Former mayor Daley was in town a couple weeks ago meeting with some of the guys from the city.....doesn't take a genius to figure out what they were talking about. Oh and if someone from the city is reading this....good luck finding out who I really not stupid enough to list my real name online.

4 years ago

This wonderful local airport has been there since ...

This wonderful local airport has been there since the 1910's. My parents bought the property just 3 blocks south of the airport in 1957.
Anyone that purchased a house in the area KNEW the airport was there.
So if you don't like it, leave!

4 years ago

Outstanding airport with lots of history. Easy to ...

Outstanding airport with lots of history. Easy to fly in to and an integral part of the community. Too bad the Santa Monica City Council can't wait to get their grubby hands on kickbacks from yet another condo developer. Greed rules the day as usual

4 years ago

Great airport so much History. This place should ...

Great airport so much History. This place should be in the USA historic ledger. This Airport is where Donald Douglas manufactured the DC3 which started Air transportation . Just Like Pullman did for Train transportation with the Pullman car...

4 years ago

This is a beautiful local airport steeped deep wit...

This is a beautiful local airport steeped deep with history back through World War ll. We must keep this great little airport alive and from destruction by ignorant money grabbing politicians that want to turn it into high rise condominiums.

4 years ago


4 years ago


Douglas Aircraft Inc

Douglas Aircraft Inc
