Reviews 21
Most recent
3 years ago

When I returned from China I lived in a hostel, vi...

When I returned from China I lived in a hostel, visited free museaums, danced and watched concerts in the park, hit the magnificent mile and saw an ad for thus university. Applied, and went to a few classes plus graduation with them. Good friendly staff, councelors, students, club and faculty.

4 years ago

Educationally I have always thought this was a gre...

Educationally I have always thought this was a great school, but when it is your senior year during a pandemic and you are $2000 short on tuition for the quarter; it is not the university to be at. I have held prestigious standings with the university and they won't lift a hold on my account over $2000, even though I have already spent over $100,000 in tuition costs. #HereWeDoNot

4 years ago

"In May 2016, Activists disrupted the speech of Mi...

"In May 2016, Activists disrupted the speech of Milo Yiannopoulos. The event was subsequently cancelled. ... It also banned Ben Shapiro from speaking on campus due to security concerns." The way this place seeks to protect students from unpopular ideas instead of challenge them disqualifies it as a university. It should be called a daycare center.

4 years ago

School gets so much hate for something that occurr...

School gets so much hate for something that occurred that was completely out of the school s control. Having attended two years here, this school is awesome and everyone can find a place here. While, like every school, it does have its flaws, DePaul offers a superb education curriculum and a good community.

4 years ago

My husband is a senior transfer student at DePaul ...

My husband is a senior transfer student at DePaul in CDM, and I can say with all sincerity, this has been a terrible academic experience for him. He's an immigrant whose first language is not English, and the lack of support on all fronts is staggering. 90% of the professors he's had in the past two years are entirely devoid of passion and caring, both in their course material and in the welfare of their students. Lectures are routinely abbreviated (especially in the current covid paradigm). He has a professor currently whose average recorded lecture time is under 10 minutes. Don't be fooled by the low faculty to student ratio and all the hype DePaul tries to build around "large university resources with small, intimate classes" - at least in CDM, faculty are cold, unavailable, and seemingly disinterested in the classes they teach. One CDM professor announced on day 1 of Spring Term 2020 that his son "is a doctor, and he really doesn't need to be doing this sort of work."

Tutoring and academic advising are two more areas where this school fails miserably. From my husband's experience, I'd say it's a flip of the coin each time he books a DePaul tutor whether that individual will actually have even a rudimentary knowledge of the programming language he's seeking help with. The CDM advising office is even WORSE, as they are understaffed and totally inept when it comes to helping students plan out their education. Total lack of empathy, as they try to rush you out the door each time. Also, they're grossly understaffed, which may contribute to the churn and burn mood at the advising office. Online systems for course registration and degree mapping are frequently down or display erroneous information. Good luck getting anyone at advising to care. I helped my husband navigate a wild goose chase of a scheduling issue where the course did not align with degree requirements as the professor had clearly stated via email (and as was easily viewable online).

This term, in an app development class my husband needs, they require a Macbook in order to complete the assignments. My husband has a PC, so needed to rent one from the CDM loaner program. This has also been a total joke, as he's received conflicting approval emails, then told he was being lent a Windows 10 machine, which is NOT what he requested or requires. And once again, abysmal customer service. But hey, at least they're consistent in their total and utter disgruntled ineptitude!

If we had to do this over again, we would've chosen a different school. This is not the undergraduate experience my husband was promised, and it sure isn't in line with the cost. XYZ State University would be a solid improvement on this place.

Posting this here, as internal complaints the past two years have gone NOWHERE. I hope others will speak out about this sham of an institution pretending to espouse "Vincentian Values". Give me a break.

4 years ago

Can you all please update the seats in the basketb...

Can you all please update the seats in the basketball arena/stadium? Most uncomfortable seats ever. Makes my (and others) back hurt and we're so stuffed tight you can't even move without bumping the other person in front, behind or next to you.